[Project CROW 4.1 - 2] Simultaneous Dragonlady

lostgeek 3677

Project CROW 4.1

This deck is part of the fourth iteration of the Project CROW mini-campaign for beginners familiar with System Gateway. It consists of three Runner and three Corp decks, that are upgraded up over three steps. They start with only cards from System Gateway, then visit the Startup format to end up with currently competitively viable decks in the Standard format that have placed well in tournaments. (See here for further information on the tournament formats Startup and Standard)

Other matchups will follow as the Standard meta develops and interesting decks appear!


We're upping the number of virusses (and the decisions) significantly. Now we add Chisel, which together with Devil Charm can deal with any ice with 6 strength or less (take a good look at the timing chart, to understand the difference between approach and encounter). Furthermore, Imp is joining for some easy trashes of any card that looks at you funny.

And finally we add an entire new win condition: Conduit. Use your ice destruction with Chisel and efficient breakers to drill into R&D and find the agendas you need to win.

You need to adapt your play style very dynamically to the board and Simulchip allows you to do exactly that. Install your Botulus early on centrals and pressure with Jailbreak. Once they rez their ice, slow down a bit, use the Botulus tokens that are building up, but if you get iced out, just keep building your board. And once they try to score something in their remote, just use the Simulchips to shift your Botuli from centrals to the remote and fill in the gaps in your breaker suite.

Note: If you use Simulchip during approach, you can instantly kill any 0 strength ice (and even 1 strength together with Cookbook)

Also note that while Wildcat Strike has the option of drawing your cards, in almost every situation it is correct for the Corp to give you money instead. So do not rely on this drawing you cards.

Overview lists

These list show you what cards to put in and out for every game transition: Corp overview | Runner overview


Seamless Rush vs Hivemind MaxX

Corp 1 | Runner 1

Corp 2 | Runner 2

Corp 3 | Runner 3