How to Start a War and Still Score Agendas in the Morning

Circadia 2797

This is my favourite corp deck ever, although I'd hardly call it competitive. The premise is simple; try to out economy the runner through your operations economy while protecting your centrals with a mix of ETR and destroyer ice. Scoring a Profiteering and taking the full 15 should set you for life.

Once you're ahead by a significant margin, let the runner grab an agenda and get replacin'. Psychographics now works on all your 2 point agendas for huge effect. Score PSF to lock the runner. Score Vitruvius with a few tokens to recur your economy and Psychographics. Score Mandatory Upgrades and enjoy your worry-free 4th click (and if you have PSF, its effectively over.) And finally, the key to (and the impetus for) the deck: Project Ares. Do you have any idea how satisfying it is to crush the runner's entire rig in a single turn? If they lack redundancies for their breakers your ETR ice will keep them out for the rest of the game, and the BP you accumulated can't hurt you.

Lots of fun to play and full of surprises. It's just a pity it falls down to any kind of economy denial and strong breaker recursion...

13 Feb 2014 stonec

15 ICE is a bit thin. 18 is my minimum for 49 cards.

13 Feb 2014 Circadia

It's meant to be a little porous as I want an agenda to get stolen, but only when I have more money than the runner. Too much ice means less reliable economy and more things I have to spend money on. You don't need that much ice late game if your mid game goes to plan, because then you're either PSFing the runner for 3 meat damage each turn or you've trashed their rig with Ares.

14 Feb 2014 x3r0h0ur

Psycho'ed ares is gross for the runner, and its game winning. I've got one of these and I'm a fan. I'd run corporate troubleshooter to really help drain runner econ/snap a breaker off the hard way.