SlySquids "Mother F****** Deck" v2.0

SlySquid 4763

The Internet has spoken, and they say that Liberated Accounts is better than Queens Gambit...

Tbh I was on the fence but now I've been swayed...

I think it'll be my floater spot anywho, I think it could also be strong as a Parasite, A. Coadbusting or Data sucker...

I went with income because Mem is a little dicey and could work out bad, and let's face it I'm not looking to go to long game...

23 Jan 2015 CodeMarvelous

Im excited for this deck except mine will be with three account siphon and be Whizzard

23 Jan 2015 Pinkwarrior

@SlySquid looks good i think id up the card count some more my self, You thought about DLR for this? it should work out well with Josh and Account.

23 Jan 2015 x3r0h0ur

I'm not convinced dirty laundry is better than Queen's gambit honestly. In this meta in particular. Yea, you can just dirty laundry stuff, but if you're not able to trigger desperado, sec testing OR datasucker, its not that great. I'd do -3 DL +2 QG +1 Amped/SoT/Scrubbed/wanton take your pick.

23 Jan 2015 Pinkwarrior

@x3r0h0ur I think you've got a point their the only thing that can benifit from Dirty is Hades Shard so in this deck the only things dirty has over gambit is that its only one click to use & doesn't require an unrezed card

24 Jan 2015 SlySquid

Im race the MaxX @CodeMarvelous!!! Lol

@Pinkwarrior you know your shit man, I'm keeping all those cards in my back pocket for change ups at touries, keep people guessing... As it stands in lookin to close games early and set up for mid game, but if the meta changes (which I think it will) I'll have to plan for longer games...

I think your nailing it @x3r0h0ur, your math adds up, but just having that early three helps, it's still an access and as it stands it's working well... But as I said before its just working and I dont ever fix what's not broke, that's the best thing about this deck, the "skeleton" is so small I can tweak it constily, and that's my fav type of deck... It's how my RP was and now it's a monster, a deck I have to dust off because I feel Nisei Division: The Next Generation is dead in the water because of all the combo cards it required in HQ, it and a lot of decks need to learn to respect Wanton Destruction sooner than later...

24 Jan 2015 Pinkwarrior

@SlySquid Hmmm am curious about Wanton Destruction in Ken "Express" Tenma: Disappeared Clone now. you could easily fit in 2-3 and an Eater plus you'll have Account Siphon anyway and still have 2 influence spare. I am going to have to try that out.

26 Jan 2015 IonFox

Just wondering if it would be worthwhile to cut out the 3 DL for a SoT in order to go down to 45 and have a bit more consistency. Also allows more recursion and a better chnace to play anything you accidentally put mill into the heap.

26 Jan 2015 Pinkwarrior

@IonFox I don't feel it's needed to go down to 45 with MaxX, i personally would happily play her at 50 or 60 cards as you go through 3 cards a turn anyway so 15 cards is only 5 turns longer anyway. To me i look at her ID and think she's an excuses to play a bigger deck and fit all the lovely cards you never have room for normally.

27 Jan 2015 Grimwalker

What do you do with tags? Waste time clearing them? If you float them, how does Joshua B stick around?

27 Jan 2015 SlySquid

@Grimwalker it's all about the pace of the game, if I'm hittin you hard and all your doing is reacting to me then it going to set up a far stronger Wanton Destruction in the mid to late game...

Just remember it's only a credit and a click to make them lose more... And more often than not people can't offord to pay to trash him, and if they go broke doing it the quickly lose moral as I just keep playing them...

27 Jan 2015 trogdor

Maybe this was answered elsewhere, but what's the plan for dealing with Crisium Grid? If it is on a server that is two ice deep, Femme won't get it done (unless they're both sentries). It would bring the deck size up, but do you think there is room for either backup breakers or parasite?

27 Jan 2015 SlySquid

That's why I pack Knights @trogdor...

I have made a few changes to better suit this deck for late game and I played an HB Crisium Grid spam deck last night and it was a speed bump, but worse for the deck I played against it was reacting to me in a very deliberate way and the over all deck concept suffered for it...

Simple fact is, decks trailered to beat this will lose to deck just as good but different from mine, I have faith the metta will settle in a few days and my deck will still be strong... I hope lmao

Keep an eye out for the final version!!!

It's tits!

27 Jan 2015 Grimwalker

@SlySquid so it's a and and 1 on my end to take away 2 and from the corp, lest I get even more clicks on my own turn?

28 Jan 2015 hi_impact

@Grimwalkeryea, it's based off the Anatomy of Anarchy deck that was around earlier this year. 3x Siphons, DLRs, and Joshua B with the full intent of floating tags. You play DLR and Joshua B to make the already strained Corp waste more clicks and creds to trash your practically free resources.

It died out due to problems landing Siphons because it relied on them so heavily. The new Anarch cards may be just the thing to revive the archetype.

28 Jan 2015 hi_impact

@SlySquidHow does Scrubbed work out? Is it important?

28 Jan 2015 SlySquid

@scourged is not good... I wanted to like it but I pulled it... I'm going to post the new final list saturday

28 Jan 2015 trogdor

Is it Saturday yet? Lol. I'm considering trying to find room for parasite and/or datasucker.

Have you considered recording a game with this deck. It would be neat to see your approach in action. Especially against a deck with Swordsman/Crisium Grid/Housekeeping as I think those will cause the most disturbance to the game plan.

28 Jan 2015 Grimwalker

I never really got Anatomy of Anarch to work all that well. Account Siphon loses steam mid game, either because the corp's bankroll can take a punch or because HQ is iced up too much to be cost-effective. I think I'll try this with DLRs instead of Scrubbed and maybe take Amped Up back to 3 in lieu of Keyhole.

31 Jan 2015 trogdor

Used a modified version of this at a store championship today. Oh my! Game one, first turn, the corp left r&d open. So I installed Keyhole, used amped up and destroyed r&d. Got 5 points in archives. Next turn, he ices up r&d, so I run recur the self-milled wanton destruction, mill his hand and pick up everything in archives. Great way to start off!