Smear Campaign 3: This Time It's Smear-y-er! (Tech Talk #2)

Scud 326

Back when NBN: The World is Yours* was released, we here at Tech Talk Industries and Mile-Long Taco Bar put together an ICE-less kill deck that was surprisingly resilient. Decks that spammed Account Siphon were a problem, but even those were survivable. Back then, we caved an added some ICE (Ravens, Pop-ups, and Hunters, oh my!) and took it to a local Regional where it went 3-2 (the first Runner sat down, looked at the ID, and said, "That's the Tech Talk deck, isn't it?" Lesson: Don't post an article about the deck you plan to take to Regionals BEFORE Regionals. It was nice to know someone actually read the column back then, though...). The other loss was to a guy I'd been testing the deck against the day before. Sometimes you eat the pairings, sometimes the pairings eat you. Anyway,it did well enough but we moved on, probably distracted by some other deck idea that hung around in the nebulous gray area between stupid and brilliant.

Now, with all the Data & Destiny goodness on the horizon, we've been itching to get back to the deck. TWIY* offers some nice benefits to this deck type, namely the smaller deck size and the roomier HQ.

Which is what makes SYNC: Everything, Everywhere so damn exciting—the same mini-deck but with a totally pertinent ability!

So, what other cards have popped up that make this a viable deck? Good question: Lily Lockwell, News Team, Product Placement, Quantum Predictive Model, Explode-a-palooza, and 15 Minutes would be our answers. [The All-Seeing I] (/en/card/09022) is also a nice add.

Lily is a doll, if by doll you mean death-enabler, which is what we always mean when we say doll, because our sisters were pretty lethal with a Malibu Barbie. Anyway, Miss Lockwell can let you dig deep after an Agenda steal to find Midseason Replacements or make it more likely that you find your kill cards when you need them. 2 for three clickless draws is pretty nice. And once the Runner is smothered in your Tasty-Delicious Tagstorm-Sauce(tm), she can tutor up those kill cards. She also functions as a bit of light R&D protection in this capacity—putting an Operation on top of R&D means the Runner has to spend time finding her multi-access tools when she really just wants to be blitzing you to win before you release Explode-a-palooza 2: Blowed-Up Boogaloo.

News Team is a nice little kick in the pants. The Runner will almost ALWAYS take the —1 Agenda point, which is good for you, because it delays the point where Midseason Replacements is no longer valuable because one more score means you lose. If they do take and clear the tags, that's just more economic advantage for you.

Speaking of economic advantage, Product Placement helps out, turning every multi-access of R&D into a veritable goldmine of retaliatory s. Install Product Placement, install Explode-a-palooza, advance once is a hilarious play. "Thanks for the 7. Enjoy the movie, it'll be one of the last things you ever see."

Explode-a-palooza is like NAPD Contract only better in this deck. The Runner steals it and you have a free Midseason Replacements. Install, advance once is a strong play for either of these Agendas, since, if the Runner groks your mouth music, she'll have to think twice about taking it and if she has no clue the funeral dirge you're humming, she'll take it and smile right up until she realizes everyone and everything she's ever loved is on fire.

Quantum Predictive Model works with Breaking News to allow this deck the HOPE of a standard win—if they come up post Midseason Replacements, you're guaranteed 3 points. With the 2 Breaking News, you just need to have squeaked out one of your 4|2s early to actually score out. And yes, Film Critic hoses you on Quantum Predictive Model, NAPD Contract, AND Explode-a-palooza. It is what it is—SEA Source and trash her (either the old fashioned way or with The All-Seeing I) is your best bet.

15 Minutes is a nice piece of bait when you're ready to go off. Even if you didn't feed it to the Runner intentionally, being able to take away a point is nice, especially given the deck's density of 1-pointers.

Everything else should be pretty self-explanatory. A note on Marked Accounts in this deck: rez and load them ONLY when it behooves you to have them trashed. Again, if the Runner knows what you're doing, she will probably leave them alone. If not, she'll give you a 5 advantage. That's called a win-win where we're from, which is somewhere around the al pastor on the Mile-Long Taco Bar.

Now, if ICE-less is too uncomfy for you, you can try the lightly-ICE'd version: —2 Product Placement, —2 SEA Source, +2 Data Raven, +2 Pop-up Window. It's still very little ICE but it might make you feel a little better.

If you are a wimp who has to have ICE in a deck.

You could also try Casting Call in place of the Product Placement. Putting them on Quantum Predictive Model is funny.

12 Oct 2015 Daine

Ice is a crutch anyway.

I was one of those wins for you back at that regional (last round, kept me from the cut). I knew your deck card for card and still couldn't beat it. I imagine this deck would be a similar story. Remind me to pack my film critics again if you come to league.

12 Oct 2015 Grimwalker

Unfortunately Quantum Predictive Model does not combo with Casting Call.

12 Oct 2015 Scud

`@Grimwalker: Well, counterintuitive ruling FTL! Casting Call can still be a decent include, just not as funny. If they elect to steal, they'll either float tags or spend 6 clearing them, right before you Midseason them. It isn't a first choice, though, just a possible tweak.

12 Oct 2015 Grimwalker

Oh, of course CC still does what it does, and all that implies!

It's just that the Runner isn't yet tagged when they access, so QPM doesn't trigger.

12 Oct 2015 Vermilious

@Scud TGTBT instead of QPM, to take advantage of an extra tag? Or is one too few tags to drop at once?

12 Oct 2015 Scud

That's probably a smart move. TGTBT drains credits AND activates Midseason Replacements. Quantum Predictive Model CAN help you windy scoring, though, but that's more an edge case than the tags from TGTBT being relevant.

12 Oct 2015 tilindir

Opp installs Keyhole and runs till wins? Or I just can't see how this can be countered?

12 Oct 2015 Scud

SEA Source, Boom, Boom?

Actually, install, advance, advance Breaking News. She either run it, opening up Midseason Replacements or they don't, letting you double tag her and ka-boom!

You draw. You install Jackson Howard and/or Lily Lockwell when you find them. It isn't a great match-up, but it isn't an auto-lose, either. It's funny, actually—just when you posted this comment, I had finished a game on Jinteki in which my opponent played Sure Gamble, installed Liberated, and took 8 on turn 1, then took 8, installed Keyhole, and ran it turn 2, the kept Keyholing until I SE + TA'd him off a single advanced Breaking News.

13 Oct 2015 Saan

Not running an IA card in an NBN kill deck is probably going to lose you the game more often than running it is, especially one that will never, ever tax you in any way relating to ice or breaker-installation. Worst case scenario is you just ran an Exploda which gave the corp enough creds to SEA or Midseason's, but that's no worse than not running a Breaking News, and will kill you less often (since you might have more credits than the corp anyhow, which won't kill you vs Breaking News which will only get IA'd if the kill is in hand, so will 100% kill you).

13 Oct 2015 Scud

@Saan: Exactly. I was explicitly talking about early Keyhole aggression. If you IA a card, they HAVE to stop Keyholing and check it or risk getting blowed up real good. If the Runner has an early Keyhole, they probably aren't also amassing credits, which means stealing the Breaking News is going to lead to getting Midseason'd (you wouldn't bother IA'ing until you had the necessary pieces, which isn't that hard to do).

15 Oct 2015 manveruppd

I like this, but I'd recommend you put a Snatch and Grab in there for those times when the runner gets lucky and finds their Film Critic early. That card can absolutely ruin your plan, since your biggest credit swings come from NAPD and your Michael Bay movies, and you won't be able to stay far enough ahead of them in credits to land the Midseasons/Scorches if they get the critic out.

15 Oct 2015 Scud

@manveruppd: That's one of the reasons for SEA Source in the deck, tag and trash Critic.

20 Oct 2015 leburgan

Not including data raven seems bad