NAIL suite

de-mil 7

The Foundry: Refining the Process looks cool. I wanna play NEXT. Wait, no, I wanna play Grail. Rha, why can't I play both ? Oh… Wait. I can play both. Let's play both.

Okay. To play NEXT Gold, instead of, you know, that ICE of the same faction, same primary type, same cost, more strength and more subroutines that is Ichi 2.0, you need the hell of a good reason. Like, for exemple Marcus Batty. The ability to, hum, win the game on a psi-fu-mi is very nice. But of course, you need a pretty long time to set most of your NEXT suite. Fortunately, Marcus is not exactly useless for the time being, if you draw him early : as long as you have Marcus in the right server and Lancelot in hand, any Grail ICE can become quite troublesome — unless the runner have two different icebreaker for said ICE, or a way to prevent the trash. And in worst case scenario, Marcus is just a one-time Caprice Nisei.

The problem with Marcus, however, is that it kind of cost 3 influence. And since most of my influence is already spent on Grail ICE, that's a litle problematic. Archived Memories is the best way I found to cycle him.

Executive Boot Camp save one small cred per turn, but also allow you to use your identity twice more often, and mostly, allow you to boost your NEXT without waiting for the runner to daign run every server you got. With 19 ICE among 19 dictated by the deck's philosophy, it's a little sad to lose your surprise effect, but I think it's worth it.

Finaly, the big problem I see is the obvious lack of Jackson Howard, so I guess I'll just end up putting one instead of one EBC. It could also be nice to have more different assets, to exploit the tutoring ability of EBC more.

Any advice would be quite welcome.

23 Jul 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Your econ feels a little light for the amount of ICE you want to rez. Maybe get rid of the Enhanced Login Protocols for Successful Demonstrations (I feel I trigger these all the time in Foundry decks). Melange Mining Corp. is also nice because you can protect it pretty reliably early on with most of your ICE being cheap to rez, and later on with Grail ICE providing scary conditions.

Basically you really want to have enough money at the start of your turn to trigger any Executive Boot Camps you have on the board. Rezzing two pieces of ICE at the start of your turn is pretty nice when you have an agenda to score and a Peak Efficiency in hand ready to bounce you back.

Archived Memories is a great call as it also gets you back trashed ICE (common way of dealing with this kind of deck).

23 Jul 2015 Nyhles

Does Marcus Batty work with Grail Ice? Since the Lancelot trash sub is added on encounter of the ice, can it be used before the runner can break the subs?

24 Jul 2015 de-mil

@Nyhles You're right, it doesn't work. Except with Lancelot itself, of course. Or you can fire Marcus after the ICE, if it wasn't the innermost ICE of this server. Not as easy to set up nor as effective, but it's never a bad thing to trash a program mid-run.

@FarCryFromHuman I shall give a try to Successful Demonstration. But since I will clean my R&D from ICE as fast as I can, I'm not sure it's a good idea to weaken my R&D even more by playing 1-to-trash assets such as MMC. Droping the Enhanced Login Protocol also means I'm very vulnerable to Itinerant Protesters, although playing three ELP may be overkill, as I can also Archived memories them if I realy need to.