Solanum Patient Zero

yarsiemanym 237

Solanum: A virus from World War Z: The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks, which is highly contagious through bodily fluids such as blood. Solanum symptoms include dementia, paralysis in the extremities, and discoloration of the wound, which increase as the virus replicates itself. The virus destroys the cells of the brain and replaces them with the virus. In doing so, the infected victims are declared clinically dead. The virus takes around sixteen hours to replicate, although it varies from individual to individual. Once Solanum has fully replicated, the victim awakes from the coma, with an unquenchable desire for human flesh. The victim also exhibits typical zombie-like behavior such as psychosis and rage, and can only be killed by destruction of the brain.

First install an Incubator or two. Then build an econ engine consisting of Gene Conditioning Shoppe, Adjusted Chronotype, Wyldside and Hard at Work. While Paige Piper, Symmetrical Visage and The Supplier streamline the process, they are not essential.

Once the engine is built, it allows you to draw into the other cards and have the money to install them. When you're almost ready to strike, drop Djinn, Hivemind and Darwin on the table. Your opponent will know something is coming soon but won't be sure exactly what it is. You could now drop the Stim Dealer since the game will be decided in the next couple of turns anyway.

Final turn:
  1. , : Incubator --> Hivemind
  2. Install Medium
  3. Install Medium
  4. Run R&D accessing 20+ cards and likely win.
15 Apr 2015 moistloaf

this is hilarious; i have to try at least a few times.

16 Apr 2015 Jashay

I saw the title and was going 'why on earth has he named a deck after the potato plant?', but the WWZ link makes much more sense! Looks fun!