
Diogene 4464

Use as much tools to get compression as you can and make Clot a dead card, Win the game.

This deck comes from a discussion after playing against ClosDeLaRoche very good deck.

I tried to push more on the credit, draw and install compression, using all the usuals tools.


Mulligan plan : No more than one agenda OR at least one ice.

Gameplan : Have 3 remotes servers and score behind ice.

Explanations :

Since there is no fast advance, I can put all my influence on Crisium Grid and Border Control for defense. Currently, there is a lot of runners, at least in casual games, that use some kind of silver bullet. Deep Dive, Diversion of Funds, Chastushka, Apocalypse are all amazing cards and Crisium Grid help tremendously to stop those.

I've noticed that with Light the Fire!, there is much less Anoetic Void. Border Control counter also Light the Fire!.

The key to the deck is Seamless Launch, used with Offworld Office and Vulnerability Audit. For this deck, Vulnerability Audit is a blank 3/4 agenda that can be scored next turn.

I've favored Nico Campaign because it brings more creds, get an extra draw, and because my games are too fast to get any mileage with Marilyn Campaign.

Finally, Send a Message allowed me to have 8 agendas in 49 cards, which is a nice protection, while getting something even if stolen. Rezzing Border Control or Fairchild 3.0 for free is very nice!

Thanks again to ClosDeLaRoche and the publications, it was a good inspiration. I hope to bring some different ideas to the archetype built by ClosDeLaRoche.


17 Aug 2022 ClosDeLaRoche

Looks good Dio! I imagine this plays faster but is riskier than my build. Good to see Asa is versatile enough for a number of strategies.

18 Aug 2022 Diogene

This deck should change Sprint for Tranquility Home Grid.