Scarier Barriers

LSK 4674

This is the Blue Sun deck you know and love, but this time, it's got tons of barriers!

I seem to have a bad habit of picking agenda layouts that make it hard to score exactly 7. Corporate War's in here because I've always wanted to put it in a deck, and it's very easy to pick up a big piece of ice to get the 7 credit bonus.

The Adonis Campaign / Blue Sun interaction is well-known. With The Root, you can actually make it a 6 credit surge every turn the runner doesn't force you to rez ice. Super exciting.

Elizabeth Mills is only in here because the first two decks I played against with this were both Valencia and I wasn't getting to rez my amazing barriers :)

Will-o'-the-Wisp is here to trash their barrier breaker. A lot of Blue Sun decks play Power Shutdown for a similar application, but that doesn't work with the breaker suites people play here.

Lag Time is just to stack onto Superior Cyberwalls and make your barriers even more obnoxious to get through. I don't know if it's particularly good, but it's exciting to have a 12-strength Curtain Wall.

I kept the Scorched Earth / SEA Source package because sometimes you just randomly win with it, and as soon as the runner sees a piece they have to play around it. Plus, sometimes you get to SEA Source to kill a loaded Kati Jones, and it's the best. I considered cutting an Adonis Campaign for a Midseasons but I really like my Adonis Campaigns here.

Enigma is the only code gate; it's Yoggable but if that's a problem just don't install it.

Taurus is the only sentry; it's there to trash Plascretes. I usually try to play Archer in most Weyland decks but the agenda layout doesn't really allow for it here.

Orion is 15 credits off Oversight AI, which is crazy! It's also a barrier. I don't think anything outside of D4v1d can break it for less than 6 credits.

14 Feb 2015 Treiclon

Well, a Switchblade/Dagger will break it for 5!

In all seriousness, I like it, I'd probably use Power shutdown or some other trashing tool on top of those WotW, what's the regular tax you're aiming to get in each server?

14 Feb 2015 LSK

I don't think about this deck in terms of a "regular tax" - but you can get some pretty expensive servers. Curtain Wall costs tons, and Eli and Fire Wall both are obnoxiously pricey to get through repeatedly. You probably do need the Wisps to open a lategame scoring window, though.

14 Feb 2015 refbot

executive boot camp could help with rezzing your amazing barriers. this is arguably better for you as you want barriers up for superior cyberwalls.

also hi asher.

14 Feb 2015 refbot

actually i would find a way to put 3 EBCs in here. you can find your jacksons, your adonises (and thus cut one adonis and find room for..... perhaps markus 1.0?

cards to cut:

ummmmmmm 1 adonis, 1 elizabeth mills, 1 orion probably. maybe you really just want to replace the adonis inf with tollbooth. also is paining me to see no restructure in this deck. restructure is amazing in blue sun.

14 Feb 2015 ItJustGotRielle

I would recommend splashing 2 Wraparound- If you intend to go barrier heavy and keep the fracter off the table, it's expensive for AI on the cheap, and helps burn through David counters if they go that route, making your Curtain Walls go the extra mile.

15 Feb 2015 Horse85

Seems fun, might try it out. I do love Blue Sun already. Can't see playing it without Boot Camps, though. And a third Jackson. Mills is great, but when she matters against a Blackmail deck, she really matters and you need to get her on the board asap. But when she doesn't matter, she's poop soup. So no more than 1 copy for sure, and then having a tutor for her that can also search up other good stuff is awesome. And if you're running an asset tutor, you definitely don't need more than 2 Adonis (so one can get trashed and it won't ruin your econ). So I'd definitely cut an Adonis, both Lag Times, and a Root for 3x Boot Camp and 1 more Jackson. Jackson's an essential 3-of in pretty much any corp, imo, to be able to address an early agenda flood.

I used to run The Root in my own Blue Sun build and ended up not liking it. Just too clunky. So I'd cut the other Root for a Daily Business Show, since that helps dig for Scorches or SEA Source. Speaking of which, cut 2 Corp Wars for 2 more Atlases. Those are B) pretty much key to any deck trying to Scorch. I also like the Wraparound idea. Maybe cut 1 or 2 Eli for Wraparounds?


-1 Adonis, -2 Lag Time, -2 The Root, -2 Corp War, -1 or 2 Eli

+3 Boot Camp, +1 Jackson, +1 DBS, +2 Atlas, +1 or 2 Wraparound