KonMariRún (2-1, 2nd @ ATX CO)

famewolf 177

KonMari: The practice of getting rid of items that no longer have a purpose (or no longer "spark joy")

-Rún: Forcefully choose for others if it sparks joy 😈

We've all seen Stavrún a hundred times, but what about Hammerún or Archerún? Perhaps even a Sandstonerún if we're feeling the need to politely score?

The Hafrún combo is potentially the most degenerate thing you can do in Ob, so why not lean into it?

Turns out... there's a lot of reasons!


"Unfair" rigshooting, by use of Mavirus and Calibration Testing to fetch a Hafrún. You have access to ZATO if you need a surprise 3 coster to feed to a Stavka, too, as well as the usual ice. The ZATO can also clean up those used Stavka's for you, removing yet another program in the process.

Use program destruction to tax the runner's economy and maybe lock them out of the game. Additionally, by taxing programs, you're making 9 points of the deck very difficult to get. Keep up the pressure, and be relatively aggressive on pushing agendas - you need the runner to interact so you can blow up their house. Prioritize rushing out an Eminent for an Archer ASAP, likely on R&D - Bluetulus doesn't work very well against this deck since there's so many Mavirus.

With the right draw, you can invalidate a lot decks; especially Criminal and, to a degree, Whalewolf Kit, the true inspiration for the direction of this version of the deck (🧂 I do not like playing against that deck 🧂).


Your economy can be a bit strained. I generally hope Yakov does some heavy lifting, but our relaxed executive is often trashed before he really gets his value. Additionally, Vovô is an absolute hero at Threat 4, reducing the cost of Mavirus to 1 (or even +1 with a Yakov!), but he also is often targeted. You need a big ol' clown car remote to fire your tricks, so things like Pinhole Threading or Light the Fire! can be quite devastating. In general, Esâ can be a real nightmare match-up - feels nigh impossible to win.

Also, Hafrún is a bad crutch against Ari, Flip the Bricks, Simulchip, "Bankhar", Laamb, Engolo, Boomy and really Shapers in general...

...wow, that's a lot of weaknesses

Yeah, despite my love for it, I don't think this deck is anywhere near top tier... probably for the best that rigshooter isn't top of the meta, as it can lead to some major NPE.

I hear some complaints about the Hafrún combo; I'm hoping this write up can show some folks avenues around it. If there's an Ob in your meta, there are a lot of options beyond just playing a 2nd Killer!

Why play something you know is middling?

I've been iterating on this concept since I first found the Kimberlite/Tucana combo and it now feels like my niche. It's nice to feel practiced in an angle of approach to a game like Netrunner, even if it's not the best one; journey > destination and all that.

Here's to everyone in the community finding their own angle that sparks joy ✨

The deck felt pretty good in the tournament, but I did face an Esâ, and, as expected got absolutely smoked. Otherwise, very tight games with some extremely rude program destruction 🥰

Thanks again to all in the ATX meta and the folks from neighboring cities for joining!