Future Jinteki Deck draft 1

x3r0h0ur 8956

This is my deck I'm planning on running in the future utilizing the ever gross punitive counterstrike, and fenris.

Fenris punishes those runners face checking. And they sure do it, esp with Deus X out.

Clone retirement cleans up those bad pub. Money should be fine, but we could swap in some profiteering. Ideeall you want to get 1-2 brain damage on the runner if possible, so that punitive counterstrike can work to your advantage. For instance, throwing a 2 point agenda into the trash while they have 1 brain damage, with 2-3 shocks in the trash. They literally cannot run it without damage prevention or else they'll go from 4 to 2 cards, plus the identity triggers, down to 1 card, and then you can hit them with PC for 2 meat damage.

This isn't the final incarnation, I'd love to have CO for more brain damage, but this is what it's going to look like. Thoughts on my speculations??

9 Dec 2013 x3r0h0ur

Of course my scenario there in the end is if they do it on the last click. But it shows the power of PC in addition to net damage.