Maxx siphon spam

TypeOne 2

This is a deck I've been messing around with that is similar to all of the other Maxx decks I've seen around here. The plan is to get whatever breaker out to start sucking the corp dry with account siphon. Instead of wasting clicks and money clearing tags just smash any asset econ the corp tries to set up. If you can't get in to HQ by turn 2 then start running aggressively at any unrezzed ice and keep corp money low. The deck plays tag me and wants to start milling the corp with DLR as soon as you're confident you can keep it for a whole turn with fall guy. I should also note since your whole breaker suite is fixed breakers, a data sucker is important to get out early. Other than that just keep the pressure on so the corp can't install any agendas and make a glory run on hq with Joshua B clicks and nerve agent and grab up all those juicy agendas. Any criticism is welcomed.