[GNK Undefeated] Adaptation

Wrecko 499

I didn't realize that Always Be Running doesn't publish the deck notes so I'm republishing.

This is my best attempt at making a deck that leverages the strengths of Issuaq Adaptics: Sustaining Diversity. I think I have something here. It’s finally rounding into form but it has a lot of room for improvement. I was fortunate to have the deck perform close to its platonic ideal twice to go undefeated in a GNK last weekend. Thanks again to our awesome Calgary Crew for a great afternoon.


The idea is to grow as fast as you can. Maybe you are growing fruit in one server and nettles in another. My thesis is that this deck demands the runner draw a ton of cards, gain a lot of credits and deal with everything efficiently while navigating net damage knocking out critical pieces. Issuaq Adaptics has a rush aspect that differentiates it from prison decks and makes it fun to play. Ideally, this deck plays as a tempo deck where the Runner can’t keep up with the growth of this deck. I think of it as the Corp version of sabotage.

There are a lot of mini-combos so let’s just get into it.


2x Blood in the Water

This can be the best or worst agenda in the deck. Can be scored very easily after the runner steals an agenda from the scoring server.

3x Fujii Asset Retrieval

Solid defensive agenda that advances the game plan if it is scored or stolen. I always try to park this in the scoring server.

3x House of Knives

My favorite agenda. Most agendas are tempo negative to score. This one can be (relatively) tempo positive, especially if paired with Front Company. I will slam these out as fast as possible without worrying about activating Issuaq Adaptics. Getting these scored is a major advancement to the game plan.

2x Hybrid Release

Can be scored from hand or just installed and scored as a 2 pointer with a single Seamless Launch.

1x Longevity Serum

A 3 for 2 with built in recursion? Yes please!


1x B-1001

This is a cute combo with Phoneutria on the scoring server. When it works, it’s great.

3x Bladderwort

It’s good. You probably know that already.

2x Front Company

Adds a tax to asset removal. Works well with House of Knives

1x PAD Campaign

Just a bit of extra Econ if you need it that the runner probably doesn’t want to pay to trash. If all the Bladderworts have been cleared, this could be back up Econ until the Bladderworts are recurred.

1x Reaper Function

Can be used to kill the runner opportunistically, facilitate Blood in the Water scores or slow the runner down at game point. Just 1 as I don’t think we have the Econ to support more.

3x Spin Doctor

Card draw and recursion. It’s good.

1x Urtica Cipher

Trap to keep the runner honest. Should probably be a 2 of. I recommend changing the number of these frequently so the runner doesn’t know the count. Can also be used to hold advancement counters for Trick of Light.

2x Wage Workers

Adds gas to tempo gameplan.


2x Daniela Jorge Inácio 3x Hokusai Grid

Upgrades make the scoring server. A Fujii Asset Retrieval installed with a Daniela Jorge Inácio and Hokusai Grid requires 5 cards to steal, which is very taxing. You don’t have to use the scoring server but it is a nice way to regain tempo if the runner stabilizes. Losing 3 cards to steal a Hybrid Release can put you back in the driver’s seat.

Extra Hokusai Grids can be used to protect Front Company, Wage Workers or Bladderworts. If the runner spends 4 to trash them, that’s a win too.


2x Predictive Planogram

Card draw or money, works from 0 credits, exactly what this deck needs. I wish I had influence for a 3rd.

3x Seamless Launch

Issuaq Adaptics functionally only has 9 influence since you are always playing 3 of these. Best way to trigger ability.

3x Simulation Reset 3x Subliminal Messaging

I’m doing both of these at once since they work so well together. If Subliminal Messaging triggers and returns to your hand, then you have free cards to recur with Simulation Reset. This click free effective card draw adds to the tempo game plan.

Another option is to play Subliminal Messaging, then Simulation Reset and assume you’ll find a third event when you draw up. That will give you 2 additional actions with Wage Workers which can be useful right after a Simulation Reset.

1x Trick of Light

Should probably be more in the deck, but with only a single Urtica Cipher, one feels like enough. It’s pretty fun to advance an agenda, use Trick of Light to move counters off of it and then score the agenda later.


3x Tatu-Bola

I think this deck became real once Tatu-Bola came out. It just helps everything. It can provide Econ, prevent losing from centrals while the assets are being deployed, and facilitates ideal ice placement.

2x Phoneutria

This is the scoring server ice. If they have enough cards to steal an agenda with Daniela Jorge Inácio and Hokusai Grid, then they need to take a tag, which means that B-1001 is online. Even if B-1001 isn’t installed, the tag will be probably stick and you can use it to trash their Econ, which will further the game plan.

2x Tithe

Pays for itself, does net damage, works with Front Company. Just a great ice to tax HQ and R&D runs.


Thanks for reading this far. I hope you enjoy the deck as much as I do.

Just go fast and challenge the runner to keep up.