Adventures in Nation-Building

Bwob 764

This is a retro deck. It harkens back to an earlier time of netrunner. When remotes weren't so sprawling. When assets were actually protected with ice.

And when Weyland actually had a moderate shot at killing you.

There are three main win conditions for this deck, rated from most likely to least.

Early on, your top priority is to get advanced ice over every server, to tax Temüjin Contract. The simple fact of the current meta is that you cannot afford to leave any servers open, or runners will make a lot of money off of it.

Try to score out The Cleaners as fast as possible. You can often rush it out from behind a single-advanced ice wall. (Runners are rightly leery of running on a facedown advanced card, behind advanced ice, if they don't have their rig set up.)

If you get it, then awesome. The rest of the game just got a lot easier. If they steal it though, all is not lost. Because this is why we pack Media Blitz. Either way, running your servers is going to hurt. (Media Blitz is also the backup plan, if they steal Government Takeover and don't win the game from it - it becomes a super Magnum Opus until they can muster a current of their own.

For econ assets, you can usually get away with keeping them behind a single piece of cheap ice. The fact that it will hurt them to get past it, (as well as usually taxing them to get through) makes most runners put off trashing.

Searchlight is good for this. It's mostly in here as a cheap advanceable ice to trigger the ID ability, but it shines at providing tax for econ assets, and making things less profitable to run x4 with Temüjin Contract. With one advancement, it's basically a pup. (Or two, vs. runners with link. They're a little annoying.) The deck doesn't have any real tag punishment, but the runner doesn't know that. And enough runners run resources these days, that they don't usually want to float tags anyway.

Expo Grid shines here btw - it lets you bundle up your econ into a single server, which means you don't have to spread the ice out as thin.

Sealed Vault is probably the most questionable choice I made. It is occasionally a dead draw, but so many people are playing Account Siphon and Vamp these days, that it has won me an awful lot of games. (One person, in all seriousness, complained to me that it was OP. I feel like making someone call Sealed Vault OP should be a Netrunner achievement of some kind!)

29 Oct 2016 RockDoctor

What do you think of Hollywood Renovation in place of Government Contracts?

29 Oct 2016 Parzival

Why no third Prisec?

29 Oct 2016 Bwob

@RockDoctor - It's tempting, given how well it combos with all the advanceable ice! There are two big downsides though - First, it doesn't have any useful interaction with Media Blitz. (Whereas government contacts at least lets me use media blitz as a pseudo-Magnum-Opus if I need money.) Second, and possibly more importantly, I can't bluff it out under the threat of advanceable traps.

The simple fact is, it's really hard to keep runners out of a server that they want to get into these days. On the other hand, once they've seen at least one junebug, and know that death by flatline is a very real possibility, they won't always run your agendas.

I'm not saying that every agenda score needs to be a junebug bluff, but the fact that hollywood rennovation cannot be bluffed as a junebug is a big enough downside that I went looking for other agendas.

@Parzival - Limited space, mostly. Prisecs are a nice deterrent and tax, but there are enough other cards that I need, that I felt comfortable going down to 2.