Noise - Blackmail lock

djackman 982

The combo:

  1. Play activist support + New Angeles city hall

  2. avoid tag from activist support with NACH, give corp bad pub

  3. Use blackmail + infiltration to lockdown remote play, or to slam R&D with Mediums, recurred by 3 Deja, 2 SoT, and 1 Levy

  4. Aesop to kill activist (and wyldside, if needed)

All that said - combos are bad if you dont have other lines of play. Other things this deck serves to establish:

  1. Running early is always good, but if you force the corp to rez ice, you wont be able to get through with blackmail alone. Thats where Knight comes in, for high str ice, and parasite, for low str. Use these to keep pressure on the corp while Wyldsiding through your deck and building your combo. Generally ice that is rezzed early is pretty vulnerable to parasite, and blackmail locking a remote gives you time to let your parasites to tick down, rather than relying on sucker counters to go for an instant kill. Each rezzed ice that dies to parasite or the corp sacs to kill a knight is a win for you. Compound the issue by using Imp to trash ice from centrals.

  2. rush decks can stymie this by simply scoring agendas before you get your combo together. Chakana should force them to virus clear while you build your rig, and imp gets rid of pesky stuff like biotic and sansan.

  3. Imp and parasite are important, and are good targets for recursion in the right gamestate. Imp and parasite have a '2 for 1' effect in noise, both killing at least one card, and milling another. This deck aims to make best use of that ability. I dont like relying on a single combo to win, so the combination of knight, parasite, and imp should allow for alternate methods of pressure, especially on centrals, where blackmail is best at keeping remotes unsafe.

1 Apr 2014 x3r0h0ur

How do you feel about pinning the corp into a corner using MOpus with crypsis and vamp? Rez a few ice to slow down the corp, playing normally while you gather your pieces and vamp out the corp's cash, then turn on activist support, NACH the tag, then parasite away the rezzed ice. Recur the blackmails taking deeper and deeper shots at HQ and R&D with medium and NA.

Feels more dynamic and interactive, and gets you past the early game humps. Include stimhacks to bust up remotes and steal those early agendas and trash sansans.

1 Apr 2014 djackman

Its possible, although I think that might be trying to do too much. Wyldside and opus have some anti-synergy. Being rich enough to play that and crypsis and have clicks for crypsis and have enough credits to vamp the corp is going to be tenuous at best when you're on 3 clicks a turn, which you will be until you have your combo pieces and have time to play an aesops.

I could see a list that uses more burst econ and eschews opus for a couple siphon, which segues naturally into vamp play. Opus is just so damned efficient when it comes to card slots.

1 Apr 2014 x3r0h0ur

Yea my vision eschews wyldside because of the clicks, would likely run dlr and Joshua b with fall guy to really churn the bucks for a few turns. I do see the pain of crypsis and opus though.

1 Apr 2014 djackman

Ive played some DLR noise decks before, and they are better than a lot of people give them credit for. Initially I had the idea of doing that with this, but you just dont have the deckspace for both the DLR/siphon/vamp and the blackmail combo.