Flipping Dry Out

TheRealLap 120

Minor changes from Dry Out – 4th, 8th @ CBI.

Reasoning for change

Less than 24 hours before the tournament start, Métropole Grid published to the world Holo Man Heartbreaker | The Métropole Grid which showcased a threat that the deck has no answer to, aside from running with at least 5 cards in hand and expect most to be trashed. This, of course, is very fair and reasonable and thus not acceptable.

The true answer to the Cipher-Clearinghouse fork is Flip Switch (Allowing the Runner to jack out if on approach after the Corp fire off Reconstruction Contract to grab their traps), thus to include this we will need to drop Miss Bones that we previously imported against NBNs and Grudge Ob.

Sticking to 45 cards gives us an infleunce to play with, with increase popularity of sentries across the 3 faction - Echelon into Carmen allows us to not bankrupt ourselves in early game.


The Tech was more versatiled than imagined, dodging Cloud Eater and Anansi on demand. The cut of Miss Bones had no effect when playing on the day due to the lack of the aformentioned decks.

The 2 runner losses were from:

1) A critical error of mulliganing Bankhar away against PD and not being able to contest the repeated remote jam despite desperate draws into Gatekeeper.

2) Cleavers hiding in bottom 6 of the deck against Epiphany and Boomerang traded away by Border Controls lead to a very hard to reach remote. Upon further thought, it is more effective to sweep HQ with twinning than trying to execute a R&D lock without Maw.


Whilst frustrated at my performance, I had a lot a fun during the day. Being able to meet many familiar faces again whilst learning about people's spicy brews was truly a joy ride. Seeing my friend who I introduced to netrunner less than 3 months doing so well in their first CO is truly encouraging (Time to lure in more YuGiOh players : P). Special thanks to lew/dreadmaw for organising this tournament and Tim/Hello for being a wonderful host despite my many demands, Tim also has an awesome deck that performed flawlessly on the day that you should check out.

💜 - Lap