Risk or No Risk? Magical Hats Edition

xxKuroMeista 1

Warning: This deck is mostly a concept. Still needs a lot of testing and editing for consistency. This deck as of now is janky, and needs more play testing and community suggestions to become better.

Jinteki: Replicating Perfection does 2 things for this deck. It allows you to have more unprotected asset remotes and it makes your opponents not prepared for a flatline strategy, therefore making running Sundew and PAD Campaign possible without ice protecting them. Another thing that using RP does for you is this, once your opponent realizes you are running a flatline strategy, running remotes becomes more of a chore and it becomes very difficult for the runner to not take some form of net damage. By fortifying your centrals with net damage ice along with Inazuma guarantees net damage of some sort. If they want to just run archives to get around the RP ability, it is not impossible to make the archive taxing too. By finding a way to fit Susanoo-No-Mikoto into the deck will allow you to just ice up your archives and one other central, while having the 3rd central be protected by a taxing ice (such as Tollbooth), then into a Susanoo. Scoring a Labyrinthine Servers early can cause some huge damage.

Even though this deck CAN flatline, it is not the main way to win. The main way to win is slowly advancing your agendas along with 1 or 2 traps. This is the reason why I run mostly 5/3 agendas. This way if your opponent sees you advancing an asset up to 3 points and didn't score it, most of the time the opponent won't think it is a trap. So a typical turn will most likely be 1st Tick Advance something, 2nd and 3rd Tick whatever you want. Just spread out what you are advancing. Don't be afraid to just trash a trap that is behind ice once it reach 5 advancement. The threat of there being traps in the deck + the hassle of running your centrals should discourage people from running your remotes without caution. Scoring a Utopia Fragment early can make it very hard for your opponents to steal any agenda later on.

Put end the run ice on trap and agenda remotes, while just leave remotes with PAD Campaign open or have Sundew behind 1 ice.

Put Crisium Grid on any central server depending on opponent's deck. Against Keyhole decks put it on RnD, against decks that run Vamp/Account Siphon put it on HQ, against Sneakdoor Beta put it on Archives. It is also very useful dealing with viruses too.

Due to the deck do need a lot of misinformation, Diversified Portfolio is a much better choice than Celebrity Gift.

I view my agendas all as utility. Chronos Project is scored to prevent clone chip/Dejavu shenanigans when the runner discarded a large portion of their deck due to net damage. Fetal AI is a hard to steal net damage agenda. Hades Fragment buys you time against mill decks. House of Knives guarantees an extra point or two of flatline when you know it is possible. Labyrinthine Servers makes it dangerous for runners to run your high taxing centrals. Philotic Entanglement punishes runners for stealing too many agendas. Utopia Fragment makes it hard for runners to steal your agendas.

Scorched Earth is a constant threat, forcing runners to get rid of their tags when they get Snare!. Shadow is a "econ ice" that can tag and also become useful later on in game if you wish to advance it.

Testing out Quicksand and Lockdown to see how effective they are.

Swordsman is used to deal with decks that main AI breakers.

Toshiyuki Sakai is a possible option if you want to "surprise" them with a trap. He is mainly for mind games, and honestly I don't like to think of Jinteki as a faction of mind games. I just view that, running into a trap is inevitable for a runner against Jinteki. The corp should take advantage of the fear of net damage to their advantage to safely advance their agendas.

Trick of Light is also an option to transfer advancements from traps to actual agendas before trashing traps so the advancement on the traps wont all go to waste.

I do not run Ash 2X3ZB9CY or Caprice Nisei because it may give the runner too much hint of which servers have agendas in them AND I am not fond of PSI games.

I do not run Mental Health Clinic because it increases runner hand size.

I do not run Mushin No Shin because of two reasons. 1) I have to create a new server with it. Jinteki doesn't have ice strong enough where I can feel safe putting an agenda behind only 1 ice. As a result more than half the time I would probably be Mushin a trap, which will cause the runners to be able to guess the Mushined server is a trap. 2) I still feel like the best combo with Mushin No Shin as of now is with Ronin. Since I don't run Ronin, I find no need to run Mushin.

I do not run Ronin because I prefer to spend my ticks building economy and advancing traps/agendas versus activating a Ronin that most likely won't kill any experienced runners.

You may be tempted to ask why I do not run certain things due to their mind game capabilities. Just remember, like HB and Wayland trying to starve the runner of credits. I am using net damage and brain damage to starve the runner of cards and options. My goal isn't to flatline, my goal is to score agendas. Just in my case, instead of using things such as Caprise, or Nisei, I am using the threat of possible flatline, the ability to limit the runner's hand size, and the force discard of useful components of a runner's deck in order to allow myself to advance my agendas safely. If you want to insist that I still play mind games.. than my mind game is to use the runner's sense of doubt to prevent their ability to make runs on servers with agendas.

Some possible edits for consistency are (you are not using ALL of these edits cause its impossible, just choose whatever edit is fitting for your local meta):

1) Run 3 Jackson Howard

2) Run 3 Snare!

3) Run 3 Diversified Portfolio

4) Run Pop-up Window

5) Run Eli 1.0 and Enigma

6) Run Gila Hands Arcology

7) Run 2 Crick

8) Run Shinobi

9) Run Susanoo-No-Mikoto

10) Run 3 Project Junebug

11) Run 3 Cerebral Overwriter

12) Run 3 Crisium Grid

13) Run Toshiyuki Sakai

14) Run Trick of Light