[Neo] Scar Tissue Remix

Dzerards 525

A remix of Sarmatian's Startup Loup Sabotage deck with some inspiration from Oddball's Bankhar list I took to our local Neo tournament.

Mulligan hard for Avgustina. The one game this deck didn't win was the game I decided to keep 3 Sure Gambles, Bankhar and a Time Bomb. Defo should have sent that back to look for my girl! You want her early, early, early! She just keeps that drip, drip, drip of Sabo pressure on the Corp to go along with Time Bombs/Nga, Imp-ing the hand and Chiselling their Ice.

Funny enough Bankhar isn't the driving force of this deck. You are not looking to Live Fast, Die Young. Rather the threat of him on the board should hopefully slow down the Corp, forcing them to double Ice, while your passive Sabotage ticks up to the magic number. There was an old saying that 17 random accesses is what is usually required to win a game as the runner. Getting 2 Time Bombs off, one full Nga and say 7/8 triggers of Avgustina should be enough to win the game out of Archives. Though of course Spin Doctor will have something to say about that.

On the day, I milled a GamerNet down to 3 cards and finished the game on 11 points from my final run on Archives. I completely milled out a rig shooter R+. Joke was on them, I didn't have a rig to shoot! Scored out against Earth Station after too much of their Ice went in the bin and finally got a timed draw against Built to Last after forsaking Avgustina. Served me right.

Changes: I think I'd swap Khusyuk out for a Legwork. Sweeping the hand with an Imp installed after a Time Bomb has fired sounds fun. No Gachapon. Extra triggers of Avgustina on the Corp's turn is nice but the two cards I really want to find are "Tina" and Bankhar so it was a bit awkward. A cheeky Light the Fire is also something I'd love to fit in, as just having it sitting on the table threatens Spin Doctor in interesting ways.

Anyway, thanks for having me on, love to the family.

22 Jul 2023 easterncalculus

Congratulations on your win! It’s a pity that the Khusyuk didn’t pay off - it certainly surprised me to see it on the penultimate turn of our game. The combined pressure from Avgustina Ivanovskaya, Time Bomb and Nga is pretty scary and I think I got lucky with my sabotage picks, but any more and I would’ve been haemorrhaging agendas. Maybe a Chastushka or two could turn up the noise that little bit further?

22 Jul 2023 Dzerards

@easterncalculusYeah, Chastushka is a tough one. I think ideally you want to hit them with a couple of Chastishkas one after the other. Really overload the corp with Sabotage. This deck kinda only has one good run in it a turn so I found it very tricky to get value out of it in the past.

Also if you consider the drip drip of all the other sabotage HQ should be all killer no filler by around turn 6-8. If you hit that with a Chastushka they would probably dump from R&D which is fine. You hit a hand like that with a Legwork and an Imp I think you are doing real damage.

25 Jul 2023 Sarmatian

@Dzerards YO! Thanks for the nod. My latest variant of the deck is using 9 influence for 3 Into the Depths. It's really fun to pull an Imp out of your deck right before accessing. I also put Wildcat Strike in. I might have to give your build a spin, though. It looks killer!