There is no Spoon

robertgibson 7

This Deck is uncorrodable, but it hates Mimic, instead. We go all in on sentries with the exception of Changeling which can easily turn into a sentry. Your Mom will also become a hard end the run sentry. Even if the runner plays mimic he only has 4 legal targets to break without sucker support. Chimera is a great way to force the runner into completing his useless breaker suite or at least waste his recursion tools on parasites. Either way is great.

The lack of Cthulhu Wall might be pure heresy in Blue Sun and it only gets worse if you realize that you only have Janus 1.0 and Nebula as decent Oversight AI targets. So you ain't gonna make much money with that oversight, but why don't you use it to rez an archer for free and either protect centrals or quickly rush out an agenda?

There is no Power Shutdown and there probably should be to get rid of Faeries, Clone Chips and SMCs. Ideally the Power Shutdowns would replace the Crisium Grids, but on the other hand Keyhole and Eater Shenanigans are real threats right now. Also, Crisium can conceal itself as Will-o'-the-Wisp or an agenda and then be bounced right back at the beginning of your turn. Of course you knew that already, Blue Sun excels at these kind of silly mind games.

The Agenda suite is pretty clean, no bad pub generation, which is the primary reason this deck runs no Grim. Nebula can do the same thing and can always be bounced back when low on cash which isn't really possible with Grim unless you enjoy collecting Bad Pub.

As always Adonis is crucial to your income in Blue Sun. Play it, bounce it, love it and if the runner trashes it bring it back with Jacko or Interns. Restructure is there to help you get richer and makes up for the lack of oversight money. In the end you might not need all that money since there are no big barrier boys to rez or Ash traces to pump or Midseason-Scorch combos to invest in.

So what are the problems with this deck?

Well, for one thing the runner might not actually use Mimic. Like at all. Switchblade runners won't pose a threat until they have all their stealth support on the table, but once they do, you find yourself in quite a pickle. Garrote can break all your stuff if the runner is rich and Atman has 6 legal targets, which is pretty bad news. Runners with lots of link strength laugh at Caduceus and Uroboros, likewise runners with no programs installed laugh at Ichi 1.0 and Nebula; neither of which is any news to the corp. A Personally touched Mimic or a Mimimi-saurus will cause you trouble (good thing you don't really see those) if you don't willo' it back to the stack. In general this deck really wants some more, better sentries with high strength and hard ETR routines that aren't a pain in the neck to rez like Archer. Let's hope the card pool will someday have those cards at the ready and please let them be green cards.

So yeah, this deck is somewhat silly and not quite ready with the cards available at the moment.