[STARTUP] Card Games on Roller Blades

Sobek 158

Okay. You're gonna shoot arrows with shotgun shells attached to 'em to a bank window to blow out the glass. Then you're gonna shoot a zip line through that window and you're gonna slide on into the hallway.

You're gonna be wearing roller skates so you can just skate on past the armed guards, who will be shooting at you, and you're gonna hope that they both won't hit your legs, and, if they are aiming at your torso, the suit of medieval armour will deflect the bullets.

Then you're gonna hope to gather enough speed to burst through the big bank vault at the end of the hallway where you're gonna collect the money in a cartoon money bag.

Well, no. I'm just an uncle who's buying some shit for Christmas and I, uh, think I'll take my business elsewhere. Merry Christmas.

It's April.


This was the runner deck that I took to the Netbrummers Startup 2nament and went 1-1-1. My Corp deck went 3-0 leaving me with a 2nd place overall finish.

Game 1 was against Pravidost Consulting. I won by having more agenda points as we went to time on the round, having gone tag me and then realising I had zero chance of getting past a Starlit Knight. Botulus let me get through Ice Wall after my Cleaver got trashed, and I sniped a few lucky agendas off the top.

Game 2 was a wash vs BTL. Turns out Ice Wall stymies our "bankrupt the corp with forced early rezzes plan" especially when said corp starts to turbo out oaktowns.

Game 3 was only 9 minutes long due to a very grindy Thule vs Arisanna match. Facing Restoring Humanity, I tried to get as many random single accesses as I could to snipe any agenda points, but the game ended in a draw.

This deck performed not as well as I hoped. The gameplan is to get either Hermes or Wake Implant down early, and leave the corp too poor to protect both R&D and HQ. Steal an early agenda, bounce something the corp was too poor to rez, and go from there. Unfortunately, Ice Wall is a card that people play. I might shop around with a version of this list that uses an Audrey v2 engine.

Airblades + Bankhar is a fun synergy that I was too tight on inf to actually use properly. An alternate version of this runs the twinning to save on some influence.

29 Aug 2023 awildturtok

You are installing a lot of expensive ressources. Have you considered leaving the econ denial at Xanadu and your ID and instead adding some Career Fairs for click compression and economy?

29 Aug 2023 Sobek

I could definitely run career fair in the list with some cuts. However, in my experience so far, The Price has been excellent as an in-faction replacement. I'm of the honest opinion that this card is an easy x3 in every anarch deck - especially if you're running steelskin scarring. The number of times that The Price is a net +1 card and 2 credits is very high in my experience.

29 Aug 2023 x3r0h0ur

I wonder if moving more of the econ over to PPVP and adding Twinning as your multiaccess, saving you influence for a lot of other choices. Lets you sit back and wind up twinning a lot more, and goes more in on the existing even stack. This looks like it has a good draw/play pattern though. I'm going to noodle with it some.