Horizontal Weyland 1.2

greyfield 3917

Strategy's still the same as in the previous version - lay out a long line of assets the runner will be leery of destroying or even investigating, put an IT Department behind a couple of pieces of ice (a taxing piece and an ETR piece), pound it for several turns like it's a Government Takeover, and then use it to make an impregnable scoring server.

A bit of fine-tuning. Cleaned up the ice package considerably, because I realized cards like Errand Boy wouldn't necessarily keep the runner out - you need external ice that either taxes or punishes the runner considerably for trying to reach your IT Department-powered ETR ice. Hence, Caduceus and Architect.

I think of the agenda mix as a series of 4/2s; you can use the Atlas to go get your single High-Risk Investment, which means it takes you 3 agendas where it usually takes the runner 4 to win.

The single Elizabeth Mills is there for Valencia and Personal Workshop decks (and, uh, Valencia decks playing Personal Workshop). If your meta has a lot of Valencia, you might even consider running two, to try to cut Investigative Journalisms off at the pass.

Probably don't run this deck in a Whizzard metagame.

3 Feb 2015 joeymcjoeysalot

Archer seems like an odd duck in this deck. Also consider Guard so they cannot early inside job/femme the IT Dept?