Rosetta 3.0 (4th & 11th ICC)

Santa 1629

shapers why not rosetta

source: @MetropoleGrid stream

Me, moments later within Bost...
internal bost post


The core of this deck is the Rosetta 2.0 + Muse + Coalescence engine, which can pretty consistently setup Turbine rig (Turbine + Buzzsaw + Cleaver + Echelon) by turn 3.

The List

Finally made a runner (rather than just adapting others), and couldn't help but laugh when I realized I'd be locking in Ayla and Thule for ICC. What are those IDs :p

You can count on me for grabbing a bunch of binder cards, and making a list (maybe checking it twice) :p

The Core

The Rosetta rig up, takes 8 clicks and 5 credits:
1. Install Rosetta (3 credits)
2. Install Muse + fetching Coal (0 credits)
3-4. Rosetta the Coal for Muse + Coal (gaining +1 program and +2 credits each (+4 total))
5-8. Rosetta fetch turbine rig (Turbine + Buzzsaw + Cleaver + Echelon) (6 credits)

Rosetta 2.0 is basically clicking for 2 credits each time, that also searches, sets up, and installs a full Turbine rig


Key callouts:

  • 1x Ika
    • A spare/sluff program is needed for the case you draw Coal as your only program when using the Rosetta chain combo.
    • If Coal is your only program, you get to pull Muse + Coal twice, leaving you with 3 programs on board, and a Muse in deck with no way to get to 4x programs, and no way to build out your rig, without a sluff program.
    • In testing we found Tuno's Ob to be one of the harder matchups, which Ika was good into, and had some versatility in other matchups, so it took the slot.
  • 1x Mad Dash
  • 2x Simuls

Other good cards:

  • Joy Ride
    • As maninthemoon discussed in the pre-grands chat we had on the list, this card is just good.
    • Beyond what he said there, I will simply add that I found myself enjoying this card as a 2x, expecting to land 1 throughout the game. It's packing a lot of value. Connecting with a refill + access is quite nice.
  • VRcation
    • This is another that maninthemoon convinced me on. I was personally only packing 2x in the deck before. However, switched to 3x as he pointed out with the comparisons to Nuka, click 1 VR is pretty good. You net 1 more card than Nuka on the first 2 clicks. In the worst case its 1 draw behind. However, with a deck chalk full of draw, drawing into draw, and the possible upside of playing it last click VR is just good.

No Console:

  • We initially tried testing with a console, and/or other win-cons like Deep Dive. However, found in the rush matchups vs PD we really just wanted more gas.
  • The deck really came together when we cut the fluff and just added more gas/econ.



  • You are looking for a couple specific things here:
    • Rosetta is #1.
      • Just ensuring you can connect with this early is important. You also pretty much hard mull for this. With NVRAM and hard mull you have a ~71% change of finding Rosetta in your opening hand.
    • Simul, and any other form of conditional usage card in loose ordering: (Burner, Joy Ride, Trick Shot, Mad Dash (matchup dependent), VRcation, Overclock, Daily Casts, Creative Commission)
    • You absolutely, don't want to toss your programs on NVRAM unless you can help it, since you are wanting to fetch these from your deck.


I've never been more excited for a list.

While it didn't have as good of a performance at ICC as I'd have liked, I still think this list is quite good as a meta call, and don't have regrets bringing it.

This deck should pretty much rip anything tier 1.5-2 apart, so long as it isn't something like Pharos/BtL glacier (this list is not built for that).

The meta is so fast atm, and this deck was built to play into that. It sets up incredibly fast, and with just gas left in the tank should play out well, so long as you aren't getting too far behind in the first few turns.

Applying partial pressure to some of those faster rush decks like PD, before fully setting up, is important, as otherwise they can still accelerate ahead.


Main matchups tested:

  • Punitive Azmari
    • VRcation/Joy Ride are nice to over draw vs Piranhas, and adding in Mad Dash was quite nice to round out the matchup. We expected there to be some Punitive Azmari, so teched into it and was surprised with no appearances.
  • Rotom PD
    • We tuned the list to be able to take reg PD down, and if you apply normal pressure while rigging up, a typical remote lock with the gas and pressure this list provides should get the job done.
  • Tuno Ob
    • This matchup was one of the harder ones. SDS are inherently a bit of a pain for the rig as you don't have spare programs, mostly needing the Simuls. However, was also a little high-roll or not for the Ob if they were able to score an early Eminent Domain.

Minor testing:

  • Jai Asa:
    • TBH, I probably should have tested this one more, knowing I was paired vs Jai R1. The matchup definitely felt approachable. However, could easily snowball if the Asa gets going. (tougher than PD, and Jai plays the list really well)
  • Punitive Ag:
    • The Ag ability is the main annoyance here, being able to cancel a Burner. Otherwise, the Punitive Jinteki lists' (RH included) ICE melt to Turbine rig.

Overall, while testing showed that the deck wasn't quite as busted as I'd initially hoped and had a few weaker matchups (Tuno Ob/Jai Asa), I felt like it was a pretty solid pick into the meta, not expecting to face much glacier.


ICC is possibly my favorite tournament of the season, beyond large in person events for the social element.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about ICC over the past few weeks, and have some thoughts to share:

  • I love how qualifications were done this year.
    • Expanding to include the returning champ, and the top 5 from each continental I think was a really good shift.
    • Since in a top 16 cut 5-6 are eliminated at the same time, it highly incentivizes trying to claim a higher seed in swiss.
  • I personally did enjoy the slightly oddball format of previous years for this sort of showmatch style celebration. However, still really enjoyed the event!

This said, I'm very sad to see ICC missing from the 2025 tournament slate.

  • I personally feel that ICC brought with it some of the most exciting prize support NSG has to offer.
    • The ability to gun for an invite to ICC within the conts is extremely rewarding. Re-qualifying for ICC was my personal biggest goal for the year.
      • Guess it's time to set some new ones :)
    • Additionally, while the worlds champ card is extremely cool, and a true unique experience being able to design a card for the game we love, the ICC champ card I feel holds an extremely rewarding position.
      • Having the ICC camp card distributed at all conts the following season, puts it front and center in a way that others don't

I see NSG's desire to connect the events across the 2025 competitive season together being wonderful. I also see how adding 3 more conts will generate a packed season. However, I also still feel like ICC holds a special place for wrapping up the whole conts season, in an almost unique celebratory way.

Conts alone is one of the largest parts of competitive play, and where I've gotten an extreme amount of enjoyment from the game. Worlds is also an experience/event not all individuals will be able to attend, meaning conts is the biggest part of competitive play for some.

I truly hope we #bringbackicc within the future, as I am extremely disappointed to see it leave.


  • Bost as always!
  • maninthemoon for trusting my runner construction enough to lock in the list :) (sorry it didn't serve you as well as we'd hoped)
  • Shoutout to Jai for taking the whole thing down. You're a wonderful presence in the community, and very well deserved! Sick run this season thus far.
    • Need to step up my game vs you. I've been slipping since last year :p
    • See you at worlds!
  • NSG, Kror, everyone involved with EMEA, each player, judge, and other member who was part of the continental season to make it such a blast!

Also, maninthemoon, ctz and I will be running a stream for some wild, wacky and hopefully hilarious off meta netrunner content this coming Monday evening (Pacific time). Check it out here ➡️

15 Jul 2024 maninthemoon

Super fun list! Really enjoyed preping and playing it with you in ICC! @Jai just gud 😄❤️

Amazingly thorough writeup as always!

Bost Bost Bost!

15 Jul 2024 Jai

I love that linking Metropole clips just seems to be the meta now, lmao

It was great getting to play with both of you over the weekend, looking forward to meeting you in October!

15 Jul 2024 Baa Ram Wu

Obviously this kindda thing is grabbing all my attention.

Two things which immediately jump to mind and would love to know if they came up in testing:

  1. Cataloguer (It's a win con that doesn't eat into Mu + Mad Dash!)
  2. The deck seemed to burn itself out pretty quick so any thoughts on recursion? - My thought was Dropping Buzzsaw for Unity and slotting a DJ in with the 1x Inf.
15 Jul 2024 Santa

@Baa Ram Wu glad to hear you’re excited!

  1. We did test Cataloguer some. I personally found myself mixed on the math of it, especially since we already have the Trick Shot accesses.
  • With the click to install, and and run we are looking at (3 clicks, and 2 credits for an access in the top 4, plus any credits for the run, with possible disruptions by Spin/Ob. If we get to run back, rather than click it we can double up other ways, but then costing the amount of the run again. Not necessarily bad, but I’ve felt mixed on the math myself, and found remote locking to feel a bit better.
  1. I do think some recursion would be nice.
  • We tried cutting some inf for Ashen early, but found games weren’t lasting that long. Do feel like DJ could be worth the exploration to see about longevity. This particular list was built for a set of extremely fast matches, and I typically found while you couldn’t necessarily pressure every remote you could pick and chose the pressure to line things up pretty well.
  • I was a bit more open to the idea of changing up the rig. However, didn’t get the testing in for it, and do think if you’re cutting too much value from the turbine rig itself, the main reason for importing the Rosetta goes down in value quite a bit.

Would love to hear how things work out for you!

17 Jul 2024 koga

Seeing you two with Rosetta Ayla little after I started experimenting with the card myself was wild. I really encourage you to try the core concept in crim too! Much, much love