HBFA sponsorship

x3r0h0ur 8956

Whats that you say? HBFA? Unpossible! With the NAPDMWL I've been catching people sleeping on FA hate, or unable to keep up.

Deck recurs CVS and SSCG with TS, TS with AM, or even TS with TS!

Why GFI over NAPD you say? Sometimes you find yourself with a nice big scoring window after a destroyer, wherein you can jam down 3 points easy. Also, takes care of the agenda density, keeping you at 9 agendas, but 3 only you can score for points (eventually). Next ice for people sleeping on parasites, but still CVS to help things out. TS can recur ice vs destruction decks.

Clearance econ to ensure you get your bucks fast and draw into your ice and combo cards. This deck aims to win unbelievably fast, don't get the runner a chance to get set up. You can even make 2-3 remotes baiting runners into TS, making your next grow even stronger.

You can even score Dom Sleepers from hand just to trigger TS to install your next agenda into the remote, all told costing you 2 credits (inc the sponsorhip)

Honestly, a half hearted update of the last version, perhaps -1 biotic +1 sponsorship is correct. But also possibly not. Will be doing some testing in the new meta to see what happens.

Long live HBFA! Have you seen this winter? Who needs a coat!?

5 Jan 2016 iceqs

love it and gonna steal it. Thanks xD

5 Jan 2016 moistloaf

so basically I just need parasite recursion and Atman 4 to beat this list (:

5 Jan 2016 x3r0h0ur

Sounds pretty easy on paper right?

6 Jan 2016 Chuftbot

Ooh, this is some pretty hot stuff. I really like where this is coming from. Two questions though:

  • How's your econ? You've got clearances and hedge funds, plus ETF installs. Has that been enough?

  • Why Sleepers over something like Fast Track, which can't be stolen and doesn't make R&D soft? With Turntable getting popular I'm a little afraid to run Sleepers.

6 Jan 2016 x3r0h0ur

Econ is just about perfect, you go broke sometimes, when pushing scores as fast as possible, but recovery is very easy when you're sitting on HB + a clearance.

Haven't seen a lot of TT, but it is troubling now that you mention it. Fast track vs dom sleepers might be a 2/1 1/2 split type thing, mostly because you can install it off a team sponsorship, and potentially immediately score it.

IE, install ABT on Sansan rezzed, and advance. Next turn Adv, score, probably trigger ABT, and then sponship the Dom sleeper into the remote, last click advance score. Its slightly faster when you use sponsorship shenanigans. Granted this all assumes you have sponsorship, which is why 2/1 might be better (since you can kinda do the same play with fast track).

6 Jan 2016 Chuftbot

I could also see a 7th point score that would go something like Biotic, Fast Track, Install DS on SanSan, install CVS if you don't already have it on board to stop Clot, advance. Fast Track is pretty neat.

TS lets you do so many bonkers things with SanSan though. Love it. Excited to take this out for a spin.

6 Jan 2016 urbanfractal

This deck has mostly everything I ever liked from HB: NEXT, Domestic, Team, Biotic, Cyberdex, Archived and Jackson (sic)! Thank you for this, I will play HB again after many-many months!

6 Jan 2016 x3r0h0ur

I'm only a few games into testing, but so far I like it, its refreshing to be back on HBFA again.

7 Jan 2016 umchoyka

Wow, I don't know how I missed the interaction between TS and Sleepers before. This is hot stuff, thanks for sharing!

7 Jan 2016 Wichtel

I had a similar idea but my agenda composition is slightly different. I am running 3 Beta Tests 3 Vitruvius as well, but I cut 1 Food and 1 Sleepers to get 2 The future is now. That lets me search for the card I want to install. I was stuck on Adonis and Eve but Operation eEconomy seems like a great idea.

7 Jan 2016 x3r0h0ur

The future now is a good idea, I just like low low agenda density with lots of draw, it puts the agenda draws on my terms, while getting cash, and not having asset econ tieing up my sansan scoring and taxation server.

7 Jan 2016 x3r0h0ur

Also operation econ makes open rnd less of a big deal. You want to force the runner into dealing with your TS and SSCGs through 1-2 ice, and that takes pressure off rnd. Only imp can bring fresh cards off rnd until multi access comes out. You want to rush and FA agendas through before they can find time to drop multiaccess cards.

8 Jan 2016 mawa

any possible love for Enforcer 1.0 over say Rototurret with all those sleepers around?

10 Jan 2016 x3r0h0ur

I like a hard program trash, not clickable, and there's not enough to go around. If I had the inf, 2 archer would be right.

10 Jan 2016 urbanfractal

If you bump the The Future is Now count you can tutor the SanSan City Grid so you only need 1, thus providing influence AND food for Archer.

10 Jan 2016 urbanfractal

Something like this netrunnerdb.com

9 Apr 2016 Mechanoise

Always enjoy your appearance on ANR Blackhats. Keep the decks coming!

1 Sep 2016 Hayati

I LOVE this pal! So hot :P