The Least Defeated Player at EAST CANADIAN NATIONALS 2024

formerteen 1607

you already know what it is. it's a good hoshiko deck that i made slightly worse so that i could play one of the sick alt arts we made for this tournament. it dropped zero games at the tournament, though it did have two ties, giving me the dubious distinction of being the Least Defeated Player at East Canadian Nationals 2024. i came 11th in swiss with 20 prestige when the top 10 players were tied 21 prestige. it's fine! my corp deck was a nuvem i've been toying with it for a while and i'll publish it when it wins something. this is just an excuse to talk about what a cool tournament we put off.




we've been planning this event for several months now and it's sort of surreal that it's come and gone but i also couldn't be more pleased with how it went. it was such a full and positive weekend with so many silly or cool little facets. we had two original alt arts created by a beloved netrunner artist and another original alt art created from an oil painting done by one of our meta's members. she auctioned off the original paintings for charity and made netrunner-themed cookies for the event. we had a full kitchen run by volunteers from our local meta, including a full spaghetti lunch. we had a contest to see who could come up with the best "live laugh love" style motto for netrunner. we gave out a ton of prizes (especially to newcomers and first-timers), we had a cube, we had a PS5 set up with street fighter 6, we made custom shirts, we played sidereal confluence, we got an art tour of the church in which we played, we sold original stickers, we received visitors from all over canada, and we crowned one of them the east canadian national champion. so many people put so much time and effort and money and care into making this event so unique and full and it was so cool to see all the players, from both near and far, have such a good time (at least, i think they did).













i spoke a lot this past weekend (and i tend to speak a lot in general) so i'll try to keep things brief here. i did my extensive thank yous at the event itself and hopefully all of those volunteers and meta-mates and co-conspirators and visitors all feel that gratitude already. so, instead, i'll direct this final platitude at the reader: run an event. start small. do weird things with it. make it bigger and stranger as often as you can. try to get as many people involved as possible. make it fun and warm and welcoming. get help from people who know how to do things. learn to do new things when necessary. this is our game and it is as alive as we are willing to make it. if you need my help and advice, my discord username is yaoibunga and you are free to reach out at any time. that's it. torsaug forever.


23 Jul 2024 mo0man

Yo I need advice on running a tournament

23 Jul 2024 formerteen

@mo0man first thing you're gonna want to do is legalize both Mushin No Shin and Mti Mwekundu: Life Improved

23 Jul 2024 Fox Ex Machina

TorSaug forever. You put on one hell of an event. I’m rooting for that Nuvem!

And my new Outfit alt-art is gonna find some immediate use, I bet. It’s signed, after all!

23 Jul 2024 jan tuno

you're such a good writer <3 thanks for letting us experience a little bit of this event

23 Jul 2024 Ark1t3kt

Can't say enough good things about this event! So much thanks to you and everyone else that made it happen!

25 Jul 2024 Zeebag

A joy as always Josh. Now get that Gwumbus it's smubble!

26 Jul 2024 cocoro

You absolutely dismantled me with this list in round 5. Great games and incredible event from start to end-- thank you for all that went into making nationals work!