Holo Flag Of False Freedom [1st/3-0 @ GMG Boulder, Nov '24]

lukifer 1366

False Freedom

This deck went undefeated at the recent Standard tournament at Grandmaster Games in Boulder, CO.

It has a very flexible scoring plan. We're looking to actually score False Flag; thanks to Holo, Prav, and Vasilisa, we can jump from IA/IAA to 7 counters surprisingly quickly, and can often stick the runner with 2-3 tags if they challenge it, eating into their money to clear, or setting up FOI scores.

Our agenda suite is odd, at 10x 2-pointers. It's "Global Food at home", forcing the runner to find 4, albeit with one more agenda than classic Foodcoats. Our biggest liability is HQ flood, and deep digs on R&D. But we're seldom scoring four ourselves: either we land the FF, or we score a 5/3 Beale (sometimes even from hand).

BAU does tremendous work in the list; it's a great fast-advance trick with a single-advanced Vlad.