Tag N' Bag (3rd at Janksgiving)

DeeR 1445

This is a standard-legal version of my janksgiving deck. Janksgiving is a format of netrunner where, before the tournament, each player rolls an ID and 3 standard-legal cards. They are required to bring that ID and those cards to the tournament. They must use the ID included in the roll, and include 3 copies of each card rolled in the deck, influence requirement be damned. This results in folks bringing wild decks that work in wild ways. For my runner, I rolled:

Zahya Sadeghi: Versatile Smuggler + Strike Fund + Sure Gamble + Credit Kiting

That is so boring. Let's jank it up, shall we?

The Jank

Crim has a draw problem. In the modern Crim-era most crims need to import expensive cards like Earthrise Hotel and The Class Act just to keep up. Or so the germans would have us believe.

Turns out you can draw 8 cards for free if you just agree to the terms and services. The combo is thus:

  1. Run a central server.
  2. CK BOB w/ 8 PC
  3. Trash all your cards using a combo of Patchwork and Guinea Pig
  4. Draw 8 Cards
  5. Do it again.

Turns out once you draw 8 cards over and over you can do some funny things with Patchwork, Strike Fund, Boomerang, and Buffer Drive. -2c boomerangs are fun.


I didn't run the rest of the tagme package because this is probably the worst possible dragoless meta to be playing tagme, but feel free to float the tags against purple.

DooF is chunky, you don't wanna play cards you can't happily trash on any given turn.

Pinhole is clunky, you don't wanna play cards you can't happily trash on any given turn.


  1. Think about what you want to do.
  2. Do it.


Thanks to jan tuno for reminding me blue decks play Bravado. Thanks to coldlava for organizing the tournament and independently thinking about this combo. Congrats to bblum for taking it home and reminding me why I clear tags.

5 Dec 2023 coldlava

Thanks for playing! Hope you had fun!