Food Poisoning Az - 4th @ Holy SC

koga 3001

"Hello everyone. Mr. Walker isn't feeling too well, I'll be your teacher until he's ready to come back. Now, attendance: Abagnale..."

This is my attempt to give the insane pre-rotation Geist deck a new body. It's clearly not on par with its predecessor, but it still has some legs. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you should check out this deck. Az is not necessarily the best ID for it (I've seen other similar decks around), but I like it better for a couple deckbuilding choices I made.

Relevant cards

  • Embezzle: in a world full of FA tools, Punitive and tag punishment this card simply makes a ton of sense. Plus, I've always liked it.

  • Overclock: when I saw this card I immediately thought of Stimhack in Geist. You can use it to trash assets in the relevant matchups or simply play faster by installing your hardware for cheap thanks to both Masterwork and Q-Loop.

  • Masterwork: this card is clearly amazing, but remember you can now replace the one you already have installed if you reveal a new one with Q-Loop. Sometimes speed is all you need.

  • Sports Hopper: this card could totally be Class Acts instead, but I really like being able to install it with Masterwork and Q-Loop. Works fine for card draw, you can get the money back with Tech Trader, saves you from the occasional Punitive, gives you a temporary link.

  • Bankroll: cheap econ card installable with Q-Loop. You can often make many runs paying almost no money, so this gets to get quite fat in some games. If you really have to pop it it's fine, you can always reinstall it with Simulchip.

  • the breakers: I almost never use them, but they're nice to have. Botulus and Boomerang are often all you need. I'd like to have Paperclip but it's not really needed.

The deck went 2-2 on the day. I don't think it's a particularly strong list atm, but I knew I wanted to post it anyway so I just went with it. It's easy to miss Geist when playing this, as sometimes you have trouble finding the engine pieces and your game just slows down a lot. When it works though, it really works.

I'm not the biggest fan of this meta right now (especially runner side), but this deck is too much fun and the tournament was great.
Huge thanks Berzelius for the organization, every opponent I faced and just about everyone else for being really great and fun people. Love y'all.
Also thanks again to testrunning and Kelfecil for playing with us despite the language barrier, I hope that wasn't too annoying :P

Congrats sis for first place (again??) <3

Always be Running!

Replays: Game 1 - Game 2 - Game 3 - Game 4