Purple Sweaters v1.5.2

XxAuroraUser69xX 133

This deck and it's earlier versions have had a great deal of success against some fantastic players, but recently it's success has taken a nosedive so I've decided to publish it and let anyone who cares to have a crack at making it work again do just that.

The idea with this deck is to have such an obscene amount of money that you can afford to rez anything at any convenient time. Lots of trashable economy to create a differential of credits one way or another, though its really better if they don't trash your assets, so try to overwhelm them with several campaigns at once. Generally you'll want to install your assets naked so you can save your ice and effort making your centrals and one or two scoring remotes hell to get through, so use the ELPs to not only make running even more taxing, but to make the decision to trash that Eve that much harder. To keep the money flowing you're going to be doing a lot of turns going Install, Click for credit, Click for credit. I replaced Melange with Shellcorp to help boost efficiency.

If my opponent seems one track minded and isn't checking my remotes, probably because they think it's just another campaign, I'll sometimes just throw a naked ABT out and score it next turn. I'd also usually hit it off depending on the likelihood of actually getting any ice, but that's just my personal style. A more risk averse player would do well to use 3 project vitruvius and only 1 ABT for the additional possibility of an over-advance.

Once you have established centrals, it's time to start working on that hefty remote. It depends on the match up but I usually save my Janus for the remote, otherwise just use your best judgement on ice placement, it's all solid. This deck's worst enemy is Shaper with Magnum Opus and R&D multi-access, so when you're facing a Shaper with a full rig, and a Magnum, you'll have to be creative. This is where SanSan and your assets really come in handy. The SanSan not only allows you to threaten scoring from hand, but it means that anything you throw down on top of it could be an NAPD and needs to be checked. Once your opponent has consistent money your only hope is a shell game. Beyond that it allows for sneaky psychological plays like installing and single advancing a 3 pointer then mumbling "Oh I guess I didn't need to advance it."

That's the basic idea with this deck, get money, make your servers horrendously large, and lock your opponent in an expensive mind dungeon.
