Hit Mon Chan (1st place)

gabsnow18 464

Hi guys, this is my runner deck i ve piloted in the last gnk in rome, won against Neh turtleteam, Butcher shop , sync supermodernism, only one loss against Hb foodcoats.It is a pretty standard gang sign Leela , the changes i ve made from the @Cerberus endless waltz is to play less on the open remotes cause Hb and others glacier deck are really popular nowadays.So i play 3x inside job that help me a lot to get into servers and hammers with the interface,Fisk sinergizes with Leela much than i ever expected (use it when they are ready to score,so you can snowball ice, hit an agenda hopefully with gang sign and then force them to discard a lot of cards).Hades shard is a great help to score out especially when they discard with jackson and can give you an unexpected open server thanks to leela ability.Gingerbread is a really star in this deck, performed very well against all the new tracers ice like archangel, assassin, news hound, and the old one like ichis, data raven and gutenberg. Feel free to ask if you have any question!

1 Dec 2015 Thymaius

My SYNC was blasted away by this lovely Leela deck. I can still recall the moment when you special ordered the Gingerbread against all my cute tracers... I was like WTF is that thing!?! Keep up the good work!

1 Dec 2015 iceqs

Breaking Ichi with 5 is really painful for Gingerbread though. However I do agree that there is almost no way to get past Ichi cheaply unless it's click + E3 or using Grappling Hook for example. Also it does not suffer from the Cyberdex rezzing like Mimic does. Still, I think 1 more memory needed for it is too costly since that slot is for Datasucker already. Even if you are against HBcoats you would want Mimic (for Architect) and Datasucker (for general use and Ichi specifically) instead of something like Mimic + Gingerbread because then Ichi still tax you like hell while other breakers do not benefit from Datasucker anymore.

Breaking Data Raven and Gutenberg is where I disagree the most however. There is no way you want to break Raven with Ginger if you have Mimic + Sucker, not to mention the tag you need to shake afterward. Gutenberg should be fired most of the time since no Icebreaker is efficient enough unless it's a Switchblade. Archangel might be the only valid argument I think since you are running Yog.

If you are afraid of Tracing and Tag & Bag in general, I think cutting the 2nd Corroder for 2 Critics and cutting 2 Plascretes for 2 New Angeles City Hall should be your priority. These changes will leave you at 46 cards so I recommend cutting the 3rd Bank Job since SecTest + 2 Bank Jobs are good enough for tech-ing asset spam and most of the time their servers are not that costly to get in. With NACH you can also Siphon without shaking the tags which is the best combo in the game I think LOL

1 Dec 2015 gabsnow18

@iceqs Hi man, NACH is very good but you cant keep it alive forever.With only 1 sucker token gingerbread is excellent against gutenberg and archangel(only 3 creds to break) and can save your ass from a keegan lane (that is very scary for a criminal) and Quantum predictive model.It is clear that mimic+ suckers is my main sentry breaker, but when a foodcoats purge and lock the centrals gingerbread gives you the way to get it over assassin and ichi 2.0 without wasting your Faerie, so you can easy regain the sucker token.Plus, against butcher and other tagging nbn archetypes gingerbread can be enough for your rig with only 1 breaker, that is HUGE for a criminal deck that wants to keep pressure from turn 1.

1 Dec 2015 gabsnow18

@Thymaius thank you my friend and leela lover!I choose Leela for this tournament since i played your deck 3 days before :)

2 Dec 2015 x3r0h0ur

Doesn't Gingerbread break archangel and gutenberg for 5? I mean, its an awful breaker....

2 Dec 2015 gabsnow18

@x3r0h0ur with only one sucker token it will cost You 3

2 Dec 2015 Lorgar

It seem to me that the time for Gingerbread has come. It helps a lot against HB where it could be used to break Viper and Viktor 2.0 beside the Ichis.

This rig is a bit tricky. You have to spare your Fearies for a Susan against RP.

@gabsnow18 What was your experience with the 3 FiskIS? You played mainly against fast decks. Didn`t you fear to push them more than you would profit yourself of the FiskIS?

2 Dec 2015 gabsnow18

@Lorgar RP dont see a lot of play in this meta,aniway they can rez only one susanoo so hit another server or inside job him.FIS is an MVP against fast decks like Neh,they begin the turns with 8 cards in hand and if they install one they draw.If they score from hand You can open and wrecks easily a central,if they dont score You can suppose that they are keeping in hand at least one astro so You can hammer with sneakdoor or HQ interface.Sometimes You will just force the corp to waste a Jackson,and this is really good for You.Basically when You are giving a lot of cards to the corp,You are forcing to lose some good card ;)

2 Dec 2015 iceqs

@gabsnow18 with Film Critic you can keep NACH alive forever. It is just so much more efficient to use NACH to deal with tags in general.

However as my previous comment stated, Gingerbread does pretty well against an after-purge situation with Ichi in HB, that is you are not gonna get locked down, but instead you need to spend a tons of money to get it. Even so, you cannot just use 3 memories for Gingerbread, Mimic and Datasucker, can you??

Assasin and Archangel is valid arguments and I agree on this one. Well if HB and RP are going to put Assasin x3 instead of Tollbooth, or both in their decks, I can see Gingerbread being an excellent breaker.