Binary Tag Storm Mk1

Rorschach 2


This deck operates in two modes. The starting mode is a taxing strategy through traces and tags. Watch for scoring windows but there's a secondary win condition with a kill through Midseason Replacements or Breaking News.

The second mode is tag punishment when the runner gets fed up with the tracing and tagging and decides to go tag-me. Then it's a race to kill with Scorched Earth plus Traffic Accident. The secondary win condition in this mode is creating scoring windows through tag punishment.

Agenda Notes:

Install and advance a Breaking News to get two tags and two on your next turn for the kill shot. If they steal it for one whole agenda point you're set to spring a Midseason Replacements and kill shot on your turn.

If you can score Restructured Datapool out early behind a Wraparound then you can tax the runner up to 8 a turn or go tag-me.

Project Beale is 3/2 filler since there's no room for Psychographics. AstroScript Pilot Program is just good even if you're up against Clot.

Economy Notes:

Burst econ through Sweeps Week and Hedge Fund. Mid-game econ through Marked Accounts. You'll usually be ahead of an aggressive runner as they're spending so much on traces during runs or clearing tags. Use your ID every chance you can even if the runner has left to clear tags.

Trace and Tag Mode:

Troll goes on Archives and the Runner's preferred central server for taxing runs. Information Overload, Gutenberg, and Universal Connectivity Fee all provide tax in this mode as well.

Manhunt does work in this mode. It allows you to use your ID ability on the runner's turn if you didn't bump a trace on ICE, and taxes the runner to break the trace or burn a and 2 to clear the tag.

End the run in this mode comes from Tollbooth, a Killer check with Caduceus, and a Fracter check with Wraparound. Data Raven is a soft end the run as a runner will avoid the trace and power counter if they are behind even if they can clear the encounter tag after the run. Usually running through a Data Raven is the first thing the runner does when she goes tag-me.

Tag Punishment Mode:

At some point the runner will get too aggressive or too frustrated and will go tag-me. This changes the effects of a lot of your cards so you need to recognize the switch and be ready for it.

Even if the runner has Plastcrete on the board you can burn through it, get your cards back with Reclamation Order and hit him again. Or you can create scoring windows with Closed Accounts, Universal Connectivity Fee, and Information Overload.

Pachinko becomes a beast requiring 4 for Corroder to get through for a rez cost of 1! Tollbooth still keeps the runner out and Wraparound and Caduceus are still Fracter and Killer checks especially if you snipe a breaker with Information Overload.


Much more complex to pilot than Butchershop. Dies hard to any runners with 3 or more link.