[Noloic - Titan Transnational] Eternal Progress 1.0

Noloic 5

Eternal Progress

Incomplete version

I do not own every Data Packs yet. That's why I can't put certain cards in the deck, yet.
I'm not using more Core cards than the number contained in a single Core box (i.e. : Akitaro Watanabe is 1x, in Core box, so I'm not inserting a 3x in a deck of mine).
I use my decks in real life, and for tournaments, in a future, who knows. That's why I can't insert cards I do not own.
Here are the currently expansions I do own :
  1. Genesis : 6/6
  2. Creation and Control : owned
  3. Twist : 0/6
  4. Honor and Profit : owned
  5. Lunar : #1-20, #41-60, #101-120
  6. Order and Chaos : owned
  7. SanSan : #1-40

This is the second deck I've created.
The first Haas-Bioroid deck I created didn't give me the feedback I was expecting. I found it incredibly weak, and I started moving on Weyland because of Orion and Asteroid Belt, which I played in it before dismantling it.

I like the Weyland advanceable ICEs, and the great "place Advance Tokens on cards" sinergy it has with its cards.
I like playing with this deck (even though it isn't aggressive (rather, it's a full-defensive one) at all (and I like to kill pesky Runners)), and it often gives me positive feedbacks on cards I'm running.

Since the deck doesn't deal any kind of damages at opponent (except for Chum, that means the Runner suicided him/herself), its only way to win is to score 7 Agenda Points before the Runner does.
The main engine of the deck, as you could notice, are the Advancement Tokens. «Progress everything, as fast as possible.» is its motto, I'd say.
Since the Identity I chose (Titan Transnational) puts an additional Agenda Counter on scored Agendas, I exploited that advantage, and only put counterable (and functional) Agendas in it (Firmware Updates, Project Atlas and Executive Retreat).
On with the cards reviews for this deck, now :

  • Agendas :
    • Executive retreat
      • I previously run High-Risk Investment before this. After some actual playtesting, though, I noticed it didn't gave me the expected Credit gain, since the Runner started going wild at HQ/R&D after seeing the Agenda scored, emptying his/her Credit pool in a chance at getting lucky, stealing an Agenda, and revealing ICEs installed for future plans and runs.
        That's why I looked for another 3 Agenda Points Agenda that could be counterable, and I only found Executive Retreat, so... why not?
        This deck usually run out of cards from HQ fast, so Executive Retreat's backfire isn't harmful at all (rather, if a currently-unscorable Agenda is in it, reshuffling it in R&D is a win), and having the chance to draw 5 cards with a single click up to two times is just awesome.
    • Firmware Updates
      • Because this deck has so many progredable ICEs (Orion, Nebula etc.), this card is a must. It can be rush-advanced, meaning you can place it in a Remote Server, not giving the Runner any clues about what could it be between an Asset, an Agenda or an Upgrade, and it can be scored the right next turn, starting empowering ICEs.
        Another great advantage from this card is that it doesn't require you to spend Clicks to advance ICEs, meaning you can even advance your ICEs during Runner's turns.
        Not to say this card makes your opening hand looking awesome.
    • Glenn Station
      • I admit that this is a random Agenda. I looked for a fast-advanceable 2-Points one, but I couldn't find any good one. So I decided to put Glenn Station in because of its good effect. No Agendas are welcome in HQ, when your Remote Servers are full and your opponent is someone pesky like Gabriel Santiago.
    • Project Atlas
      • Probably one of the strongest Agendas ever, in my opinion. It lets you search R&D for ANY card, at ANY time. It can be even fast-advanced on late games just to get 1 free Agenda Counter on it because of Titan Transnational.
        Its uses are unlimited : is the Runner running HQ and you have an Agenda in it? Lower the chances, and help yourself, too : search for a Space Camp before s/he accesses the cards. You also might be lucky and put an Advancement Token on a card of yours for free!
        Did you run out of Agendas and you only need 1 Agenda Point to win the game? Why not searching for a Firmware Upgrades? And who tells the Runner you're installing it right now instead than a stealthy Thomas Haas, behind that 4-ICEd Remote Server?
        Are you running out of money? Y u no Capital Investors or Commercialization?
        Not enough ICEs? This is your lucky day. Get any one of them, for free!
  • Assets :
    • Capital Investors
      • So far, one of the best economy Asset, altogheter with Haas-Bioroid's ones (Adonis Campaign, Eve Campaign, etc.). It lets you gain 2 Credit with a single click instead than 1 each. I definitely prefer this to Melange Mining Corp..
        Its Common counterpart, Private Contracts, is surely alot more expensive to trash (and doesn't require any Influence Points, meaning that other Corporations might prefer it to Capital Investors), making it much more reliable than Capital Investors, but I prefer this last one, since it costs 1 less Credit to rez and can be used forever, instead than up to 7 times like Private Contracts.
        If one of them is trashed, worry not : 2 more of them are waiting. And putting it behind a 2-ICEd Remote Server should be enough to convince the Runner to let it go.
    • Space Camp
      • The best Ambush Asset for Weyland, in my opinion. Not to be installed, though. Unless you want to troll the Runner hard.
        Keeping it in HQ totally enrage Runners (personally tested), since it makes HQ a very, very bad Server to run in. If it appears on top of R&D, the Runner can forget about making another run in it (or future runs in HQ) before trashing it. And if s/he does, s/he pratically makes the Archives unrunnable (since it also works while in them).
        Letting your opponent advance ICEs and Assets for you for free is a reasonable and renewable Credit and Clicks source.
    • The Root
      • Probably one of the most scary Asset a Corporation can rez. When a Runner sees this, s/he wants it gone, or the Credit gap will be crushing in the future.
        I currently am still playtesting this, but it gave me great results, so far. I only played it against my girlfriend (that plays both as Andromeda and Quetzal (and is very aggressive and strong, too!)) so far, and she never could trash it, letting me gaining tons of Credits and installing ICEs over ICEs, making the Servers pretty unrunnables.
    • Thomas Haas
      • I just love this guy. He's the only one that can troll a Runner the way he does. And he does it damn right.
        Even with only 1 Advancement Token on him, he usually makes the Server he is in a shining one, for the Runner, since it can only be an Agenda or a progredable Ambush. In the first case, the Runner made his/her day. In the second, it's better not to make it progress too much, or the doubt will corrode Runner's mind, fearing an incoming Government Takeover or an overloaded Project Atlas, if not a one-shotting Project Junebug. But what when, just a second before accessing the cards in the Server, you gain Credits (I once obtained 22 Credits from him! But that was a weird case. I usually obtain around 4 and 10 Credits from Thomas Haas) and the Runner realizes s/he wasted his/her Credits, Clicks and efforts for nothing? Aaah, that awesome moment for the Corporation when the Runner curses him in every language s/he knows.
  • Operations :
    • Beanstalk Royalties
      • A good economy Operation. An Easy Mark for Corporations. 3 Credits for 1 Click isn't bad at all.
    • Commercialization
      • An even stronger economy Operation than Beanstalk Royalties, for Weyland decks.
        I usually don't put any Advancement Tokens on Asteroid Belt or Nebula, after the third (or after the fifth on Orion), while I put extra Advancement Tokens on Ice Wall, meaning I get 3, 5 or X (my maximum has been 9 Credits) Credits by using this card. Not to underestimate at all.
        Its only backfire : it takes you some turns before effectively use it. but it usually boasts you alot, after turn 5.
    • Shipment from Kaguya
      • A core card for the deck. It lets you advance up to two cards at once and for free, saving you a Click and 2 Credits.
  • ICEs :
    • Asteroid Belt
      • I just love this ICE. After the initial chargeup, it drains the Runner's Credit pool if s/he wants to get into the Server s/he's running, even costing 0 Credits to rez (it costs 5 Credits for Corroder to break its Subroutine, as the most powerful permanent Barrier-Icebreaker.
        Only Quetzal can easly f**k it up during first turns.
    • Ice Wall
      • Probably one of the best Barriers out there : fast and empowerable. It becomes a monster costing only 1 Credit to rez, in late games, while is a good stopper during first turns.
    • Chum
      • A pesky Code Gate. Unless the Runner made a run and you rezzed the ICE before installing Chum in front of it, s/he will probably the tempted to jack out, since resolving Chum's Subroutine is a heavy gamble (when my girlfriend usually encounter it without knowing what's behind it (especially if she notices there are Advancement Tokens on it), she jacks out terryfied and starts gathering Credits).
        Not to mention that a 3-ICEd Server composed by Chum, Orion and Wormhole is an utopia, studied both to kill the Runner or to keep him/her out, no matter what (the Credit cost to break every Subroutines in these ICEs is pretty high. Definitely out of standards).
    • Wormhole
      • Copying another's ICE's Subroutine is nice, especially when you know what to do or which ICE(s) you put in front of it. You could copy Chum for extra damage and/or bigger Credit loss for the Runner (and the chance to stop him/her because of his lack of Credits), Asteroid Belt for an extra "End the run." to make sure the Runner doesn't pass at all (damn Quetzal...), Matrix Analyzer's "Trace2" to tag the Runner, having a chance at trashing his/her precious Resources, and so on.
    • Caduceus
      • A random Tracer that ends the run. I didn't find anything better to put, considered Enigma is a little useless in a non-HB deck and pretty weak.
        Since Caduceus has the chance to cost you 0 Credits, I definitely prefer it to another, thin, low-costing ICE.
    • Matrix Analyzer
      • The best Weyland-for ICE, in my opinion. For this deck, at least. I usually am happy to see it, especially when the Runner doesn't care about its Soubroutine and gets tagged.
        It essentially lets you advance a card during your opponent's turn, for the increased cost of 1 Credit. Pretty a nice deal, I'd say.
    • Nebula
      • A pesky Destroyer. Trashing useful Programs or essential Icebreakers for the Runner is damn awesome. Especially when it's free.
    • Orion
      • It seems like it says : «Looks like someone's being naughty...» (any reference to property or people is purely coincidental (coughMidoricoff)).
        Even though this is the slowest ICE to progress, once it's charged up, you won't regret the Clicks and Credits spent on it.
        Sure, it's a Multi-ICE, making it breakable by any Icebreaker, but it costs the Runner alot to do so, while it costs you 0 Credits (9 Credits for Corroder, for istance).
        A heavy backfire of the card is that this is an unique ICE, meaning you can't have 2 copies of it rezzed at the same time. This surely limits your options, especially if the Runner plays smart on you, forcing to rez Orion on a Server that s/he makes you think important for him/her, jacking out and then running the Server s/he really wanted to run, without having Orion rezzed there, too. Play smart, you, too : install it in a Remote Server only. It'll make that Server untouchable for a while, unless the Runner gets annoyed by it, unrezzing it after the run is succesfull, allowing you to rez another Orion in another Server.