Thule who?

pouchsurfer 347

Thesis: Sports does at better job at fake-points-Thule than Thule itself does.

This is a very straightforward Sports list with fake points and fast-advance tools. Tranq is replaced by Djupstad. While scoring our agendas we want to give the runner ideally 2 core damage to make Ontological Dependence a 2/2, and fast advance away. Nightmare Archive is good poisoning centrals that either turns Ontological online sooner or swamps the runners score area. We can leverage the latter with Giordano Memorial Field and Stock Buy-Back. The third Buy-Back could maybe be 2x Predictive Planogram. Not sure.

I think the list does okay.

19 Dec 2022 wiriamu

Yep, how are you liking this? Any success?

20 Dec 2022 pouchsurfer

@wiriamu it's been doing alright! It suffers from the usual RNG issues as other very fast Sports lists do. Losing all Ontological to single central accesses makes the plan sort of fall apart. But the core/fake points fork at the center of the list is strong imo.

21 Dec 2022 Diogene

Considering the number of ice compared to the number of agendas, have you tried taking out one Stock Buy-Back and replacing the 1 pointer by Global Food Initiative? This would give you 5 slots for additional ices (maybe one Manegarm Skunkworks).

I really like the idea here. I wonder if this could be put in Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design?

Thanks for sharing!

25 Dec 2022 pouchsurfer

@Diogene thanks! I think one Stock Buy-Back can be taken out, but I’m not sure the deck needs more ice. If anything I would add more economy.

Haven’t tried it in PD, but the tempo you get from Sports is crucial I think, so it would need some more tweaking.