Next Gen Fast Advance v2.0

paddosan 3414

Token placement is the latest fashion, when it comes to fast advance. Shipment from SanSan and Trick of Light both work perfectly with Efficiency Committee, by placing extra tokens when you're not technically allowed to advance a card anymore.

Cerebral Imaging main advantage lies in the protection that the big number of cards offers to your HQ, and by scoring each Agenda in one turn, you won't ever need to build remote servers. That's also part of the reason behind the removal of Jackson Howard from this deck. The other part being the new Blue Level Clearance, that together with the old little brother GLC provides enough extra draw as it is. Adding Archived Memories means you'll get back immediately the few cards you might need to recover.

What you have to do in this deck is quite simple:

  1. score an Efficiency Committee in one turn by installing an using any combination of Biotic Labor and Trick of Light to fast advance it.

  2. keep scoring the other points you need by fast advancing them any way you can, but mainly with the ECQ hosted agenda counters.

It might take some time to get all the stuff you need, but there are some very heavy pieces of ICE and plenty of economy cards to allow for some respite between attacks on your HQ and/or R&D.

Also, Hudson might help if you face an opponent who tries to rush a victory by attacking R&D early on. Keep in mind it won't stop indexing, though!

Not many Code Gate-type pieces of ICE, since Yog.0 would be too much of a pain otherwise, but some very nasty stuff nonetheless, like Wotan, Janus, Ichi 2.0 and Heimdall 2.0.

Manage your economy wisely!

10 Mar 2014 Flatline

I only see an issue with this deck: if you don't get one of your ice walls (or if it is trashed), your trick of lights are dead cards (and this is another reason why I don't play them).

10 Mar 2014 paddosan

This is not a deck that will win so fast, despite the name, so you shouldn't really have any problems getting one or more Ice Wall. Even if they end up trashed somehow, you can get them back with Archived Memories.

Worst case scenario, you will have to make-do with just Biotic Labor and Shipment from SanSan. Which technically is still more than enough, considering you just need 2 BL for the first EC and then you're left with enough cards to fast advance 4 more. Plus, you can still recover some with AM.

11 Mar 2014 scumblr

Wait, how do you advance cards with Efficiency Committee?

(click), hosted agenda counter: Gain (click) (click). You cannot advance cards for the remainder of this turn.

11 Mar 2014 sirisaacnuton

You can't take the "advance a card" action after using Efficiency Committee, but that's not the same as simply putting an advancement token onto a card with Shipment from SanSan or Trick of Light. You could install a 3/2 agenda, advance it once, then use Committee once, then use Shipment to score, for example.

11 Mar 2014 paddosan

Precisely, both Trick of Light and Shipment from SanSan don't say "advance a card". Rather, they say "Move..." and "Place..." respectively.

This means you are not technically advancing a card, but rather adding advancement tokens on it some other way. Once you reach the needed amount, score that Agenda as usual!

16 Apr 2014 nbove

Have you considered reclamation order in this deck? It seems like it would be a good fit to allow for the recursion of economy or fast advance tools.