Xand's Guide: Startup with Jinteki

Xandorius 1625


Hello! My name is Xandorius. I've published a series of decklists for newer players using Nisei's Startup Format. There is one decklist per faction, using the startup IDs. Each decklist will discuss some ideas about playing as and against the faction, an overview of a gameplan from early to late game, and a breakdown of why I chose each card in the list. These lists are meant to give players a place to get started and some things to think about as they continue on their Netrunner journey. Discussion and tweaking to your own playstyle/ideas is highly encouraged!

You can find my other startup guides here!


Jinteki is the home of spiky ICE, net damage traps, damaging agendas, and all the mind games that go along with pushing the runner into making the wrong choice. If you like bluffing, a death by a thousand cuts, or simply watching the runner wince as they lose yet another card from their hand, then Jinteki may be the faction for you!


Although Jinteki can do a lot of damage, the trade-off is that they often cannot easily end the run. They might play out a bluff, hoping that you run their traps. This costs a lot of resources to do typically, so finding ways to read the board (or the player) and call those bluffs effectively is key to winning against Jinteki. Keep your hand size in mind, and utilize tools that draw you cards when you're damaged, or prevent that damage in the first place. Tools that expose or reveal can aid in knowing if you can safely make a run or if that facedown card on the board is worth checking out. Finally, their ICE can't hurt you if you bypass it and if they're spending all their resources setting their traps, then their centrals may be ripe for the picking.


The goal of this deck is to set up a spiky scoring server that taxes the runner and utilizes La Costa Grid to make scoring easier.

In the first few turns you want to ICE up centrals then begin to build a scoring server. Getting your ID online earlier then later can create a nice sustainable long term drip economy. Something like Tithe on Archives could be just enough cost to have the runner not bother taking the time to deny you a credit. Early Marilyn Campaign is useful, and if its behind something like Engram Flush the runner may not bother spending the time to trash it. Spin Doctor helps you draw your pieces, and helps deal with early agenda flood.


In the midgame you'll want to build up a taxing remote server and preferably score a Nisei MK II in order to secure an on-demand end the run effect. Your scoring remote will utilize La Costa Grid and Anoetic Void to hopefully create a server that is too expensive to run through multiple times. Cyberdex Sandbox is also valuable as it will maintain your tempo.


As you near the end game, you'll hopefully reach a point where you have a Nisei token ready, an Anoetic Void on the board, and some taxing ICE that prevents the runner from making multiple runs to steal the final agendas. Locking that all in place is the goal. Throwing down a Marilyn or a Snare! to bluff agendas can be a great way to bait the runner into wasting resources and giving you a window to close out the game.


Agendas - The Agenda suite here prioritizes ease of scoring when combined with La Costa Grid. Cyberdex keeps your tempo moving forward as this deck may be a little too light on cash. Nisei helps guard your remote as you move to the end game or can disrupt high value runs that the runner is making.

Assets - Easy to see here, your assets make you money, draw you cards, or hurt the runner. Keeping Snare! in hand can be valuable extra protection against HQ.

Operations - Simply money.

Upgrade - these two upgrades work well together to protect your scoring remote or help you score out from it.

ICE - The ICE suite combines some spiky damage, with taxing ICE and decent end the run choices. Where you put your Tollbooth will depend largely on the matchup.


Thank you for taking a look at the list! There are lots of tweaks and options you can swap in to fit your style and meta. Consider Trick of Light to take advantage of extra La Costa Grid counters. Try out extra damage from Ronin or Urtica Cipher. Perhaps include some more money with Hansei Review. Or even try out using some 1 point agendas so that you can take advantage of powerful ICE like Archer. Regardless of what you pick, Jinteki lets you create a deck that will make the runner fall flat.

Take care and see you on the Net!

Xandorius -Xandorius

29 Mar 2021 Diogene

I've always liked your write-up. They are really great.

I've tried Jinteki PE in system gateway. I'm having fun using 3x Urtica Cipher AND 3x Clearinghouse, under La Costa Grid. Thus, making anything that is advanced in a remote really dangerous to not run.

In your deck, I would suggest to put in more econ, like Pop-up Window. Because advancing cards cost creds and Snare! is not cheap. Just a thought.

Thanks for sharing your deck for startup, it is really useful and appreciated.

29 Mar 2021 Xandorius

Hey @Diogene thanks for stopping by! I definitely haven't hyper-refined these lists. I wanted to publish them as a set so that a newer player could have a bit of an idea of what each Faction's gameplan is and then make tweaks on their own after trying it out. I find that you can learn a lot that way. I definitely think that econ would be the thing that needs to be addressed first in this list!

31 Mar 2021 Zarbba

Hiii! Great idea. I love that you've done a bunch of these for new players and I'll be looking across some of your others when I get a chance. One question I have is who exactly is this aimed at?

I know you want this to be for new players but there's quite a lot of ANR specific lingo in here. Not trying to be rude or anything like that but I was thinking that if this is aimed at brand new players they might struggle with some of those terms. On the other hand if it's for players who already have a few games under their belt and they've gotten to grips with the systems a little more it might be more ok.

31 Mar 2021 Xandorius

@Zarbba Hello! The target audience is definitely someone who has played a few matches and learned the rules of the game. For someone completely new, I'd recommend the starter/booster decks with the neutral IDs (syndicate and catalyst).

The intention here is to give beginner players a sense of the flavour of the faction and some broad view of how the deck plays over the course of early, mid, and late game. From there I'd reckon a player would play a few matches with one of these decks and begin to think about tweaks and changes they'd make.