
underflow 7

The Pitch: Tax the runner, roll in money, and casually score big agendas either instantly from HQ, or in the safety of a strong scoring server that can cheat out big ICE on the cheap.

Gameplay: Put light, inconvenient ICE (Pop-up, Pup, Hudson) on R&D and HQ; build several remote servers with 1-2 ICE each and alternate hiding agendas and campaigns in them. You can Biotic Labor to fast-advance Project Vitruvius. Awakening Center should be used to last-minute rez Heimdall on scoring servers or R&D, depending on the runner.

Improvements: Awakening Center would likely be better swapped out for Ash; similarly, Ichi 2.0 might be better as Assassin. Swapping several Campaigns and/or Archived Memories for Hedge Funds or IPOs might also help.