Double X (v. 1.1) (Power Nap Combo)

greyfield 3917

Because what's more punk rock than taking a nap?

Having "goldfished" a couple of hands, this feels like a legitimate deck - an even more balls-to-the-wall version of the usual run-everywhere MaxX deck. It feels like you can pretty easily plow through your deck in 4-5 turns, scoring 12-15 credits off each Power Nap, and load up a gigantic Keyhole/Eater turn.

Testing revealed the importance of streamlining, and this version reflects that. No more screwing around with Duggar's and Starlight Crusade Funding - Injects, Steelskins, and Sure Gambles keep you running strong. I've gone down to 2 Joshua B. because they felt really awful in multiples, but your mileage may vary.

If you need a LARLA to feel secure, or your metagame requires it for some reason, you could go -1 Lawyer Up, -1 Lucky Find, +1 Levy AR Lab Access, +1 Day Job.

In addition, if you need alternate win conditions, one or two copies of Wanton Destruction may be called for. Those would be for those situations where the corp has put too many pieces of ice in front of R&D to make Eater + Keyhole effective, even with your big credit surplus. And there's always Data Leak Reversal, though that probably comes with more risks than are worthwhile.

I also think Stim Dealer might be worthwhile as a 1-of - call it Joshua B.'s evil twin sister. I picked a single Retrieval Run as the "45th card", since I was tired of having to waste clicks retrieving a lost Keyhole/Eater, but it's up to you.

I've included a walkthrough of a sample "game" below, generated purely hypothetically against an invisible opponent. Note, of course, that some of the tactical choices I make in that game depend on the situation at hand - for example, if you're unafraid of your opponent putting more pieces of ice in front of R&D at the first sight of Keyhole, you might have a bit easier a time; by contrast, if your opponent is Weyland, you probably can't be as free with your Joshua B.

x = credits in pool, * = click expended

Opening hand: Deja Vu, Lawyer Up, Retrieval Run, Sure Gamble, Lawyer Up.

Turn 1: trash Lucky Find, Frame Job, draw Steelskin. * Sure Gamble (9x) * Steelskin (8x) (Inject, Inject, Deja Vu) * Inject (7x) (Power Nap, Singularity, Steelskin, Lucky Find) * Inject (6x) (Power Nap, Frame Job, Inject, Steelskin) discard Lawyer Up, Lawyer Up, Retrieval Run, Deja Vu, Frame Job, Singularity, Steelskin, Lucky Find grip: Deja Vu, Power Nap, Power Nap, Inject, Steelskin 15 cards in heap 6 credits

Turn 2: trash Keyhole, Keyhole, draw Same Old Thing * Inject (5x) (Josh B., Amped Up, Sure Gamble, trash Eater) (6x) * Sure Gamble (10x) * Josh B. (9x) * Same Old Thing grip: Deja Vu, Power Nap, Power Nap, Steelskin, Amped Up 20 cards in heap, 2 cards in play 9 credits

Turn 3: trash Eater, Queen's Gambit, draw Queen's Gambit, use Joshua B. * Steelskin (8x) (Queen's Gambit, Sure Gamble, Singularity) * Sure Gamble (12x) * Deja Vu (10x) for Eater ** Power Nap (Lucky Find, Frame Job, Lawyer Up, Lawyer Up, Frame Job, Singularity, Lucky Find, Queen's Gambit) (18x) discard Queen's Gambit grip: Eater, Power Nap, Amped Up, Singularity, Queen's Gambit 2 cards in play, 25 cards in heap

Turn 4: trash Singularity, Amped Up, draw Lucky Find, use Joshua B. * Draw a card (Keyhole) ** Lucky Find (24x) ** Power Nap (LF, FJ, LU, LU, FJ, Sing, LF, QG, PN, QG, Sing, LF) (36x) grip: Eater, Amped Up, Keyhole, Singularity, Queen's Gambit 2 cards in play, 29 cards in heap, 9 cards left in stack (Frame Job, 2 Same Old Thing, Joshua B., Queen's Gambit, Amped Up, Power Nap, Hades Shard, Eater)

Turn 5: trash Frame Job, Same Old Thing, draw Joshua B., use Joshua B. * Eater (32x) * Keyhole (28x) * Amped Up (27x). Hand is Joshua B., Singularity, Queen's Gambit. Random discard is Singularity. (5 clicks remaining) * Same Old Thing an Inject (26x) (Queen's Gambit, Amped Up, Power Nap, Hades Shard). 2 cards left in stack.

This is where you take stock of your opponent's R&D stack. How much do you assume it'll cost you to get through? You want to maximize your click-to-credit ratio. For simplicity's sake, let's assume your opponent has no ice in front of Archives.

The most clicks you can get are from Amped Up + SOT Amped Up = 7 clicks, or rather up to 6 Keyholes. You have 25 credits to get through, or about 4 per click. This is if they have, for example, an Enigma and a Quandry in front, i.e. are playing a small-ice fast advance type of deck. (If they're playing NAPDs, you theoretically have credits in reserve.)

Alternatively, you can play the Power Nap first. That will net you 15 credits (3 Frame Jobs, 2 Queen's Gambits, 3 Lucky Finds, 2 Lawyer Up, 3 Singularities, 2 Power Nap). That would give you 40 credits for 4 Keyholes. This is better if they have really big ice and you're feeling confident you'll get 7 points from all four hits. This seems implausible.

Of course, if you're unafraid of a Jackson Howard off the top (or a win next turn), you could simply Power Nap, Keyhole 5 times, and pass the turn. If their ice costs, say, 6 per Keyhole, you'll still have 10 credits up, with Hades Charm in hand, and might have one more shot at the last agendas you need.

Suffice it to say, this is very close to, if not exactly, a turn 5 win. And this isn't even our best-case scenario.

18 Dec 2014 SlySquid

All balls! ✊ boss...

21 Dec 2014 Him

Everydeck has its bane. What do you do against:


29 Dec 2014 greyfield

@Him Oh, undoubtedly those are problems. But this deck is designed as a quintessential glass cannon - exceptionally powerful, but vulnerable in very specific ways. As noted, the win condition can be customized to get around some of Keyhole's weaknesses (both by itself and against the hate); the same goes with the breaker package. You could theoretically run a bare-bones killer/fracter/decoder package instead of Eaters, which increases your risk in certain ways and decreases it in others.

But at the end of the day, you pick this deck if you're unafraid of the hate - Crisium, Swordsman, Chronos Project, etc. This deck will never be the right deck for every meta game; but if you pick it into an unprepared field, I think it's a terror.

(This mentality comes from my decade-plus playing magic long ago, admittedly. This deck is definitely a square-peg-in-a-round-hole approach to Netrunner. But don't knock it until you try it.)