It Just Works (5-4, 23rd @ Cascadia)

jfoley 443

I piloted this list to a 5-4 record and 23rd at Cascadia. While my record was weighed down by my 1-3 Zahya list, this Asa list was absolutely on fire all weekend, going 4-1.

This list is basically card-for-card Jai's Divide by Two list that won APAC with one minor change (-1x Hedge Fund, +1x Tranq Grid).

The deck just works and does stuff. The lines feel very dynamic and adaptable and the resources to reinstall used assets puts a ton of pressure on the runner to keep up. Turns out, a 4-click Corp that gets to play 3x Fully Op is good.

We got wins over Tao, World Tree Ari, Knife Sable, and Aniccam Az. Our one loss was to @Wentagon's World Tree Ari after we kept a suspicious opening hand, had an Ikawah single-ripped off R&D early, and having the few ICE we drew overstretched by his board pressure.