NGOing to the Dép | 5-0 @ Sovereign of Subways 2023

Odonuvo 66

Jinteki deck played as part of Sovereign of Subways 2023 in the team Dép Dive.

After seeing the performance of RH at worlds and having played the bacterial combo in PE at Eastern Canadian nationals, I wanted to give the combo another go.

The main differences between the world's list are the Snares, Mganga and NGO.

My reasoning for the Snares and NGO are:

  • The base list is known
  • The forks are fairly telegraphed
  • The deck becomes a lot less scary once the runner reaches 4 points as every agendas text is effectively blank with your main out being Anoetic, which you may not have.

By having one Snare or NGO seen, every card in the remote becomes bait, creating doubt in the runner as to whether or not it's game point. If the server is especially painful to get through with Anansi and Vampy, you can threaten a flatline with the Snare or just tax the runner in the server with NGO before jamming out your final 5/3.

Sadly in the 5 games I played, Mganga was never relevant beyond simply existing facedown on the board, but having the threat there let me take a few more risks than I otherwise would have during turns where the runners credit count was a close to mine.

I only ever put Mganga on archives and R&D. When it was on archives it was to add damage before the kill turn, but the runner usually had a response or I didn't have confidence in drawing Punitive, resulting in using spin doctor to put the agendas back into R&D. When it was on R&D I was never in a position where more damage was scary enough to get the runner to jack out OR I very much wanted them to access two agendas using their multi access.