Tāo: Clear a Path v1.0 [SG]

easterncalculus 763

Basic System Gateway Shaper deck.

Tāo is all about finding a way in, regardless of what ICE is in the way. Though we have Unity and Echelon to handle Code Gates and Sentries, we have no dedicated Barrier Breaker. In that case, how do we get past Barriers?

  • Use an AI: Mayfly is there for emergencies and allows us to get past any ICE we can't already (unless it's a Swordsman... but what would that be doing in a System Gateway deck?).
  • Move it: Our ID lets us swap ICE several times a game. Each time this occurs, it's a chance to turn the tables on the Corp. Corps with lots of weak, porous ICE are weaker to this than Corps with fewer, stronger ICE, but those corps are weaker to some of our other tricks...
  • Turn it off: Tranquilizer, perhaps an unexpected pick as shaper, allows us to repeatedly derez ICE. Naturally, this will cost the corp, so use it on the most expensive pieces, but it can also be used to get past otherwise troublesome ICE if they don't have enough money to re-rez each time.
  • Bypass it Entirely: Can't get around it? Then use Botulus to skip subroutines on it. Though it is weak to non-subroutine effects on cards like Funhouse so it's usually a good idea to facecheck before attaching. Expect the corp to trash this!!

As you may have noticed, there's a lot of programs here (even accounting for the lack of dedicated Fracters...) so early usage of DZMZ Optimizer will be essential, both for the discount it provides and the extra MU. Pantograph activates at the same timing as Our ID, so put it to use by installing the right cards at the right time. With 3 DZMZ AND a Waldo, we can play Conduit for free, potentially during the Corp's turn!

If you have to pick a particular server to Clear a Path to, Conduit makes quick work of R&D. However, keep in mind that having cards like Botulus, Tranquilizer AND Conduit out at the same time will probably result in the corp clearing virus counters. That is also fine.

Some cards here are included for additional consistency, such as the extra Pantograph and Conduits, in the hope that they appear early enough to be useful. VRcation, Jailbreak and Verbal Plasticity will hopefully help with draw, and credits might be tight until we get a few DZMZs out, but Creative Commission, Sure Gamble, Telework Contract, Smartware Distributor and Overclock should keep us running.