Semi-reg Ari - 56th @EMEA 2024

mr_pelle 556

Latest iteration of my Arissana deck, tuned for a more HB-heavy meta.

I tried the Coalescence + Spec Work package along with 1x Diversion of Funds + 1x Burner as my HQ pressure.

Scrubber was chosen instead of Paricia or Miss Bones because the deck usually focuses more on central servers and because many key assets like Working Prototype, Cohort Guidance Program, or The Holo Man are 2 to trash.

Lowest moment of the day was the game loss I got for accidentally flipping face up an installed piece of ice while getting a trojan back to my grip. :(

I'd like to shout out @Baa Ram Wu for gifting me the most amazing Kabonesa Wu: Netspace Thrillseeker chip art in the whole world after a coin flip made him win our first game! <3

Thanks @Atien and @Porkobolo for organising the event, it was a blast! Thank you also to all volunteers and players, the vibe was amazing!