Worlds 2014 #1 Seed - Kate's Toolbox

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I was waffling between Andy and Kate for Worlds. I just played Andy at Gencon, and wanted something different. I piloted Katman to T16 at Worlds 2013, and am quite comfortable with her. Since I was one of the early adopters of PPVP, I decided that I had to represent. I knew that NEH was a nightmare, roll-the-dice matchup, but took my chances.

Luckily, that paid off.

I only faced one NEH, Jens, in the Swiss. My only Swiss loss was to @mediohxcore and his beautiful RP, which I would've played if I wasn't such a h00r. Deck did great against the field, but a lot of the games were on the razor's edge. I feel that this deck requires sublime piloting, but, that being said, it will give you a good shot against every decktype in the field.

Nothing too different than many PPVP decks before it, but, there are few tweaks. Decided to go with 3 RDI, and @nordrunner convinced me to drop a SOT for a Maker's. Didn't make a huge difference, but, it was nice to have. @calimsha stated that it should have been an Indexing to go with the RDI, and, I think he was right.

Another little tool was dropping the Akamatsu for the Dyson, recommended by my sparing partner, Aaron Andries. Worked beautifully with the Key Master when I needed a full rig out.

Fast deck, esp. when the econ comes. I loved playing it, as it offers as many decisions to make as it does answers.

10 Nov 2014 jerklin

Nice deck! Was great watching you and Dan play on the FFG stream.

Seeing the list I'm wondering what your reasoning for Snowball over Inti was?

10 Nov 2014 spags

Had to free up influence for the second Legwork, and wanted a Fracter I could actually use without Sucker tokens. I needed it v. Blue Sun to go through a Curtain Wall for the win. With Inti, if they lock centrals and wipe viruses, you're wrecked.

10 Nov 2014 DrunkenGineer

What were the other decks you played in swiss and double elim?

10 Nov 2014 spags

Tourney report is here:

10 Nov 2014 x3r0h0ur

What was your answer to tollbooths? Didn't see many? Parasites? With BS mostl6 using thek I think cutting the femm was very smart, but zu for tollbooth is kinda sad, that's why I ask. Congrats on Tue swiss performance, very inprewsive !

10 Nov 2014 x3r0h0ur

What was your answer to tollbooths? Didn't see many? Parasites? With BS mostly using them I think cutting the femm was very smart, but zu for tollbooth is kinda sad, that's why I ask. Congrats on Tue swiss performance, very inprewsive !

10 Nov 2014 x3r0h0ur

What was your answer to tollbooths? Didn't see many? Parasites? With BS mostly using them I think cutting the femm was very smart, but zu for tollbooth is kinda sad, that's why I ask. Congrats on Tue swiss performance, very impressive !

10 Nov 2014 x3r0h0ur

What was your answer to tollbooths? Didn't see many? Parasites? With BS mostly using them I think cutting the femm was very smart, but zu for tollbooth is kinda sad, that's why I ask. Congrats on Tue swiss performance, very impressive !

10 Nov 2014 x3r0h0ur

Lol mega spam posts...hooray hotel WiFi.

10 Nov 2014 spags

Rarely saw the Booth. Atman 4 covers it for 4 Creds and a Sucker token.

12 Nov 2014 saltytacopanda

What do you mulligan for?

12 Nov 2014 spags

Money. PPVP. SMC.

13 Nov 2014 proxy

Came here looking for Toolbox. Was greatly disappointed.

13 Nov 2014 spags
