Prepaid Panchasaurus Toys

greyfield 3917

Declined to run this deck at the upcoming SC, but wanted to pass it along in case anyone else feels like getting their jank on.

The core concept, unsurprisingly, is to drop Gingerbread onto Dinosaurus, turning in into a 4-strength AI-equivalent breaker that's cheap to boost further, limited only by your number of Panchatantras. Once you've got that rig up, you essentially own the corp's servers. Deus X and Sharpshooter are "quickie" Gingerbreads for when you desperately need an access which also protect your life/rig.

Otherwise, the economy, as you might have surmised, is straight out of Prepaid Kate. The new rig means we're less reliant on MWL-unfriendly cards like Clone Chip and Lady, so while we can't have any of the "fun" additional cards from before like Legwork or Stimhack, we can still have the full core money/card draw package. Since we can do only one run per turn against most ice stacks, I opted for R&D Interfaces over The Maker's Eye for a consistent R&D lock over rapid-fire burst accesses. Additionally, John Masanori syncs up very well with a suite that guarantees one and (usually) only one successful run per turn.

As you might have surmised, the deck theoretically can't break through certain very unusual ice stacks (like four ETR code gates in a row). Escher is here to help with that, though the deck may have enough money that you can forfeit a Lucky Find for a single Vamp.

2 Mar 2016 alientoyshop

Just wanted to say I love this deck. I made a few that I'm mostly happy with.

-1 Artist Colony, -1 Film Critic, -1 Clot, -1 Escher

+1 Modded for installing R&D Interface or Dinosaurus easier

+1 Legwork cause it's good

+1 The Maker's Eye for digging deep

+1 Same Old Thing for extra money/Legwork/Maker's

Thanks for publishing!

6 Dec 2023 polinkuer12

I never knew about this information! very useful information Quick Draw