Jak Patronises Andy

dasher 161


How does the idea of drawing 2 cards AND taking 2 credits without a click sound? Well look no further.

Jak Sinclair + Doppelgänger + Patron + Security Testing will make all your dreams come true.

Have a Temüjin Contract on the same server as Security Testing and you are netting 6 credits and 2 cards for no clicks… 8 credits if you have Rebirthed into Gabe and are hitting HQ with Sec Test and Temüjin!

Did I mention this was jank?

Seriously though, this has proven to be a fun deck to play, but my meta now knows better than to leave ANY open servers for Jak to take advantage of.

Patron is the key card here, and should be your target for the first Hostage, then Jak with your second one. It is nice if you haven’t Rebirthed when you play Jak for the install discount – especially if you have the Dyson Mem Chip down. But now I am just being greedy with the jank.

Did I mention this was jank?

The third Hostage is for Film Critic, which protects your NACH when you score an agenda. NACH means last click Siphons, and you laugh at SEA Source.

This deck has actually faired very well against CtM as they need to leave their Sensie's and Commercial Bankers un-ICEed. The Employee Strikes also allow you to trash the cards you really want to without CtM firing.

However the deck turtles pretty quickly if you don’t get your Patron out ASAP, and if there are no open servers for Jak, but when there are… woo hoo hoo, its fun.

Did I mention this was jank?

23 Sep 2016 blackcaps

Security testing and Patron are both replacement effects. I didn't think they stacked.

23 Sep 2016 dasher

@blackcaps - You put them on different servers and use Doppleganger's ability to run then both on the free run you get from Jak.

23 Sep 2016 Brendan

Given Andromeda is the aristocrat, isn't she the one who's doing the patronising?

23 Sep 2016 staglore

Turning asset spam into profit and cards for no s....I can dig it. I think this is best use of Jak Sinclair that I've seen yet. Jank accomplished.

23 Sep 2016 Safer

You have a bunch of redundant cards here that you never need to see multiples of.

-1x Employee Strike, Plascrete, Networking, Doppelganger, Dyson Mem Chip, Hostage, Career Fair, New Angles City Hall

+1x Same Old Thing, Kati Jones +2x Sports Hopper, Daily Casts, +2x Legwork

Trade out Corroder for Paperclip w/ the extra influence saved by dropping an Employee Strike.

Cutting down on the redundancy nets you 2 things. First, it gets rid of a bunch of dead draws after you have already installed the card you need to find. Secondly, gives you some important deck slots for more versatile and generally powerful cards.

Because you are already playing Andy, you'll probably find at least one of the 3 (now 4 with Kati) connections in your deck and that means you don't need as many Hostages.

The Dyson Mem Chip's MU just isn't needed at all... you have 5 MU among your 4 programs... the Doppelganger would get you to 5. So if you are playing it for the link... you can play other cheaper cards that give you a link... or just play Hopper because its so much better. Paying 3 for a link means that you need to save at least 4 creds on traces over the courses of the game to make it even out (3 that you used to pay for it and the 1 click you used to install it instead of gaining a credit). That's a tall order even in NBN match ups.

Career Fair is a solid card but with 3 copies of it, you are unlikely to find it AND the resource you want to install (in this case, Patron, Contract, and now Kati) are the only reasonable cards you will install with it. And it doesn't work if you Hostage for them. So, dropping down to 2 will make it a much more reliable econ card for you.

Final thought: You have no multi access. That is to say, you have no way of increasing your chances of finding an agenda when you hit HQ or R&D. You may be able to make a profit off of some runs, but eventually you will have to pay real credits just to see 1 card. Your influence is already pretty tight. You could go with a turning wheel instead of putting in Paperclip for Corroder but at the very least, throw in some Legworks.

Timely Legworks win games. Good luck!

24 Sep 2016 LynxMegaCorp

I used Jak + Dop a few times with Temujin, and I can tell you, its scary.

24 Sep 2016 dasher

@saferwaters - Thanks for the feedback; you have hit upon a couple of very relevant points. Most notably the lack of multi-access, and that the Dyson is totally redundant. It is a hangover from an old version of the deck that included in AI breaker for Trap ICE, but I never used it and dropped the AI, but forgot to drop the Dyson.

I also agree that you could drop 1x Plascrete and 1x Networking without hurting the deck too much.

However, I am content leaving the redundancy of the other cards you suggested. For example, Doppelgänger is a crucial card, so if there is a 1 or 2 dead draws to give me a high probability of drawing it early, then I am comfortable with that.

Similarly for the Hostages as Patron, Jak and Film Critic are also crucial cards, and Hostage acts as copies 2, 3 and 4 of Patron, copies 2 and 3 of Jak, and copy 2 of Film Critic. Yes, you do often get one of them in your hand "naturally", but increasing the probability of getting them early is crucial to getting the jank set up ASAP.

I totally disagree about dropping a Career Fair - there are 5 targets in the deck with Patron and Jak (if they are not Hostaged), but Career Faired Temüjins are a thing of beauty, and I would not drop either of them from the deck.

NACH is a similar story to the other cards; I want it as early as possible, so I am happy with 1 extra card redundancy to increase the odds. I am also hesitant to drop an Employee Strike, as it screws around with so many Corp IDs, and there are a lot of Corp currents played in my meta to counter it.

So that leaves dropping 1x Plascrete, 1x Networking and 1x Dyson, which would allow some multi access in the form of 3x Legworks or even 3x HQ Interface. I would probably lean towards the Legworks.