God of Leaks

greyfield 3917

Releasing this into the wild for people to run with it. It's so far been very good.

Core combo is very similar to DLR Andy: get a clickless tag with God of War, mill 4 (or 5 with Beth) cards, then clear the tag with Citadel Sanctuary. Bloo Moose, besides being generally bananas flambé, helps finance the clears, and Aaron Marron punishes corps who try to boost the trace too high.

Otherwise, the package is pretty typical Shaper Moose bullshit. Make lots of money, Clot lock them, and then invade scoring servers with Dean Lister plus stacked-up God of War. Against Moons, once you've got the Clot lock on, check all remotes and mill with your extra clicks.

This build isn't perfect; Astrolabe is tech against asset spam but isn't necessary, and extra money would be nice to combat rush decks. But the core concept is very strong. I disliked how plodding it felt playing DLR Andy and slowly moving cards through Earthrise Hotel and The Supplier; this deck just sharply upgrades all that with classic shaper advantage engines.