Goldeneye - you are not invincible

businessguy 20

I am writing this up late after a testing session with this deck. I started out with a challenge to build a deck with one of the new ID's and ended up with this crazy train. I have had a "blast" playing this deck and slowly watching it evolve to what it is now. I figured i would post it on here to see if anyone has any suggestions for me to make it better.

the two major ways to win:

Plan A: score out a breaking news and any other agenda. Then use 24/7 to tag the runner and burn down their house with Scorched Earth and Traffic Accident.

Plan B: score out with the good ol' fashion Astro train.

A mile long line of resources got you down? Runner have too many friends? oh that's ok, just use the The All-Seeing I to clean up that mess.

Let me know what you think!


"It's business time."

3 Nov 2015 Saan

At the very least, I'd try and find room for that third traffic accident. There's no reason not to have it. Beyond that, if you're not running Midseason's, Explode-a-palooza doesn't do much aside from extra econ, so I'd probably switch one to another Beale, which is easier to score if Plascretes turn off the kill.

Lily also doesn't seem to do much without Midseason's, since it's not like the runner is going to just decide to go tag me against a kill deck, so you probably won't have the opportunity to make her fire in the vast majority of games. Those that you can, you were probably winning anyhow. You could probably just remove her for the third Traffic.

I guess I also have the same to say about All-Seeing I. You'll rarely have tags just sitting on the runner to use to fire it off, except against a deck that can safely go tag me like DLR Val, but she'll just remove the bad publicity (which is why Val is the usual deck for DLR) rather than lose all her resources.

Anyhow, those are my thoughts! Good luck with it!

3 Nov 2015 CJFM

I agree with @Saan on the The All-Seeing I. Also, having 12 agendas in a 40 card deck is basically just asking to have Midseasons. Unfortunately, it's hard to fit that in. You could make the Beale and 1 cat a Global Food Initiative.

3 Nov 2015 businessguy

@Saan thanks for the feedback! the reason i cut a traffic accident was because with the density of kill cards i was getting swamped with them and would rather have seen a few more econ cards. I will def try to fit it back in and see how it goes.

As far as Lily Lockwell goes, I initially put her in just to see how she felt and the draw 3 alone helped me draw into the kill extremely fast. So even if she didn't have her second ability I would still keep her in just for the 3 cards, and possibility of the runner spending a click to run on her.

@CJFM The All-Seeing I was put in there as a recent include. I think I may take it out as I haven't used it yet and it just sits there.

I may change the The All-Seeing I back to a midseasons. I also agree on the agenda density but the runner almost always chooses the -1 Agenda Point for the news team, so it helps slow them down enough where I can get the kill off without them grabbing 7 points from R&D.

Thanks for the feed back!

3 Nov 2015 businessguy

@Saan Oops! I forgot to address the explode-a-palooza. I simply put that in there for the econ, because i found I was always a few credits short here or there. It seemed to help out a bit as long as i could afford the 2 AP hit.