The Muse / Standard

Shorty 197

Fast and synergistic deck that hyperfocus on R&D... Femme ICE, install Conduit and go!

Rejig, Spark of Inspiration and Test Run are our game-enablers and great tutors for the already super minimal rig (3 cards, thats it). Its best to lean back early, hide the combo pieces and play every money/draw card in your hand. Once Hermes is installed and we have the combo to Femme/Conduit our way into R&D we are good to go. Two or more ICE on R&D early can be tricky though if you want to combo off in a single turn.

With every steal/score we keep dismantling R&D by switching unrezzed ICE to R&D and bouncing it back to hand. This can snowball quite fast and with the help of a few Femme re-positions the game can easily be over turn 6-10.

VRCation and Beatriz are flexslots and can be switched for pretty much everything.

Good luck all @Worlds2023!

11 Oct 2023 cmur2

Did you consider something like Pinhole Threading or Boomerang to allow contesting some remotes early to hinder the corp setting up?

11 Oct 2023 Shorty

Hello and yes, earlier alliterations of the deck had pinholes until I realized that there is pretty nothing in the cardpool that we really care about. Maybe Rashida, but for edge cases we have a soft replacement with Test Run. Boomerang would be cool but you cant cut neather Femmes nor Hermes, they are just too integral for the deck. You can surely try Kongamato/Gbahali for the flexslots... the whole deck is just a one-trick-pony, staying super focused on the card combo seems to works best imo. Always happy to hear feedback, will add some replays tonight!

11 Oct 2023 cmur2

@Shorty very much looking forward to replays, I think I saw this deck in the Metropole Grid stream recently by an opponent. I'm hyped to try it out myself, tried Spark of Inspiration with Femme Fatale in Mercury: Chrome Libertador before but yea...

Since Conduit could be weak to purging, what about other/additional multi-access like Nyashia? And/or maybe a Deep Dive to find those or make money while running/bypassing?

11 Oct 2023 cmur2

Sorry, I meant an Into the Depths (and not Deep Dive) to find the cheapo programs.