Feisty Geist - American Nationals Top Table

arccollie 738

Consistently played at the top table at the US nationals.

SMALL EDIT: I made a last minute change the night before that doesn't show up on this decklist - ADD A PLASCRETE, JFC. I swapped it for one Fall Guy for the tournament.

Geist has REALLY surprised me in just how effective his ability is, which lets him get some serious burst draw when he needs it. He excels at running against flatline decks as he can simply draw cards on command during a run or even on the corp's turn. With account siphons he's able to play very aggressively early on, or take it slow and set up a huge rig depending on what the situation calls for.

The breaking-and-entering breakers really proved themselves when paired with Geist's ability, though admittedly I wouldn't ever run more than maybe one of each with any other identity. Being able to make a run with almost no money and draw several cards during that run is a huge tempo swing and is always really satisfying to pull off.

Fall Guy is a really core part of the deck and serves as either a runner version of Green Level Clearance when there's no threat of a flatline, or instant Scorch/kill protection if there is. Get Midseasons'd? Instantly hit your Fall Guy's, and you're safe from a Scorch/Traffic combo.

Drive By is one of the best runner cards released in a long time, in my opinion. It's generally not hard to figure out what's a SanSan or Caprice, and trashing one of those for zero credits (especially if they're in a well protected server) is incredible.

Based on how it performed at the tournament, the changes I made were:

  • Dropped both Crescentuses. They just didn't really bring enough benefit to justify the deckspace, and you can use Account Siphon to drain the corp of money anyway.

  • Three Fall Guys, because holy crap, Fall Guy.

  • Dropped Corroder for two more Street Peddlers. Corroder is great but Street Peddler is excellent draw power, (which Geist needs a bit of despite his ability if you're running B&E breakers,) AND serves as another source of Scorch protection.

  • Swapped one Siphon in favor of another Legwork. I just felt like I needed more multi-access, (and also prefer saving the Same Old Things for Levy,) but that's preference.

4 Aug 2015 Vimes

Definitely liking this more than most B&E Geists. Have you run it since your mentioned changes? Only having disposable Spikes for barriers seems super rough.

5 Aug 2015 arccollie

@Vimes I've only tried it once or twice with the changes - I haven't had much opportunity to play since then. If you like Corroder better then by all means, it's definitely not bad! There just weren't a ton of barriers where I thought, "man, I'm so glad I have this Corroder" while I was playing, I guess.

10 Aug 2015 chill84

You should probably edit the nationals badge out of your list. Blatantly click baiting with a deck that didn't even top 16? Get out of here with that shit.

10 Aug 2015 arccollie

@chill84 I put it on because I had a lot of people specifically ask me to post it because it did so well, it's not exactly clickbaiting - it was still top 20 or so out of 243, which I'd say is decent. Regardless, you don't have to be such an ass about it. :/

11 Aug 2015 DJINNandJUICE

Security Chip is gonna give this deck a serious boost.

12 Aug 2015 Ehill

Do you feel like you need the Levy? I took him to top 8 in the LA regionals but I never felt like I actually needed the levy. I've found the influence it frees up usually provides enough power to win in just one cycle of the deck.

And beyond that have you tried sneak door yet!? I've found it to be secretly amazing in him because of all the MU the clouds free up, it does synergize best with HQI but so far i've really liked it.

12 Aug 2015 Ehill

@djinnandjuice Also Sherman is going to be a big boost as well, same inf as corroder and its cloud type will let you play cards like Sneakdoor + Garrote without a Dyson Mem Chip for MU boosts.

14 Aug 2015 Wolf88

I'd lose the levy too... the added influence could provide for Off Campus Apartment and more street peddlers.