
Zakalwe 495

G01!@th cannot be stopped!

<blockquoteView post on imgur.com style="width:520px;height:312px;">

Fast Advance to 7 points and tax D4v1d into the ground.

G01!@th is a scoring juggernaut. G01!@th has five ways to install and score an agenda from hand:

  1. SanSan City Grid
  2. IAA + AstroScript token
  3. Biotic Labor
  4. Jeeves + Biotic/Subliminal + Shipment from SanSan
  5. IAA 15 Minutes or Breaking News from hand

Piloting this deck comes down to reading the opponent to judge where to place ICE and making the most of Jeeves fast advance tricks. Remember you can FA Sales Team using just Biotic, Jeeves and Shipment from SanSan.

Although there are 6 econ Operations and 2 high power econ Agendas this deck will occasionally need to for s. Make the most of this with Jeeves by for 3 and then installing a new remote to draw with NEH.

Playing the occasional naked Agenda if the Runner isn't checking remotes is a useful tactic that can win games.

Don't worry to much about the runner ing Jeeves and SanSan, it keeps them busy spending thier resources and gives you options for Team Sponsorship later. Team Spons is also your best defense against ICE destruction. If necessary you can even score a 2/1 Agenda from hand to bring back some ICE at a vital point.

Can the runner stop the FA tricks? G01!@th has 2x CVS for Clot and can 'waste' an FA trick on a one-point Agenda to The Source. Jeeves is also an anti-Clot tool because you can purge viruses and still have a left.

Finally don't forget that Astro token+Shipment from SanSan lets you FA a 3/2 even with 0. This also has the added advantage that if they don't Clot right away then there is no window to install it before you score.

19 May 2016 Zakalwe

The imgur link is for a picture a made up to go with this Decklist, if anyone can help with the correct code to display a picture in NetrunnerDB I'd very much appreciate it!

19 May 2016 esutter479

I love this. I hate NEH FA...hate it with a passion...but I'm playing it at a regional and damn...this looks hot! If I had any experience with Jeeves and TS, I'd probably plagiarize the hell outta this little beast. :P

20 May 2016 benticurus

(<)img src=imageurl style="width:520px;height:312px;">

remove the parentheses from the "<" in order for it to work

20 May 2016 benticurus

you can play around with the image size by changing those numbers

20 May 2016 Zakalwe

Many thanks benticurus!

20 May 2016 Zakalwe

Hmm... looks like I'm still having trouble getting the picture to display... maybe if I used a different hosting service for the picture I guess.

21 May 2016 EnderA

(<)img src="InsertJPGorWhateverURL" width="100%" height="100%">

That's what I used for mine. I thought it was supposed to scale the pic based on its source, but for some reason it scaled based on the width of the text frame.

Also, cool deck. Better than the version I made for myself before, trying to get Jeeves to work.

I've made 2 tweaks to yours: -1 Team Sponsorship, -1 Wraparound, +1 Subliminal Messaging, +1 Markus 1.0. I feel having another Subliminal is more important than a third Sponsorship (for reliably getting it early to combo with Shipment), and Markus is surprisingly good at taxing/stopping the runner, since I needed to spend another influence replacing something. (The alternative is to replace Archer with something HB. Perhaps -1 Archer/Markus -> +1 Architect. Or cut 2 Breaking News for another Sales Team, or...) I just really think you want a second Subliminal.