Gyros Grug Kit [UK Nats '24]

cursor 388

A descendant of @cablecarnage's Grug Spark Kit. 2-3 at UK nationals.

Spark into your breakers, get money, draw cards, don't overthink things, include tech cards for R+/Thule etc and don't play against any of them.

My previous iteration was 6-0 at Sheffield Regional, the NFLs were Debbie Downtown and the third Casts. NFL was good in pre-nats testing. Boomerang and Light the Fire were the runners up in making that slot. Kit only has 10 influence but none of it is absolutely essential. Season to taste.

Sometimes you start every game with Spark and Trick Shot and Spark hits a Lobi first, sometimes you keep a money/draw hand without Spark, end up installing Lobi for 8c and run into a Cloud Breaker you can't afford to break. Don't do the latter.