Endless Installation

DoomRat 2408

Two weeks ago I decided to show up to the Texas online meetup and actually participate for the first time in quite awhile. I hadn't played standard in quite a while and knowing they were playing a lot of jank at the moment I decided I wanted to throw something fun and absurd together. So of course I built asset spam.

What does it do?

It installs things. Lots of things. A typical turn might look like this.

  1. RLC to install a card and gain a click.
  2. Install a card.
  3. Install a card with Vaporframe
  4. (from MM) Click up MCA Austerity Policy
  5. (from RLC) Install another card

If you can't do that, you probably have a lot of click assets on the board. Just push buttons Nanoetching and Calvin until you have something better to do.

How does it win?

There are two main win conditions. The first is to install MCA Austerity Policy over and over again. Most runners will get the first few, but after a couple of Restores, the repeated runs through Fairchild 3.0 and lost clicks will likely drag the runner low enough that you can force one through.

If that fails, you can try to build up a huge board and force stuff behind Tour Guide. Now, granted, with parasite available, tour guide can get pretty flimsy. But you can install tour guide 15 times. And you'll be taking more clicks than they are. You can out last them.

Is it good?

I don't think so? To be honest, I don't know enough about what the current meta decks are to answer that. I've heard RP is around, and anything that thinks it has a shot vs. RP spam should walk all over this. But its strong enough to terrorize Jnet casual, which is what I've been doing with it. Either way, I hope you have fun with it!