Attack Iceless

Diogene 4179

This is my attempt at an iceless deck in Weyland.

This deck is much more punishing. Especially with the ID. Get that agenda last click, take the tag? The All-Seeing I is waiting for you. Take the damage, Punitive Counterstrike is there. Running every asset. Snare! and News Team will welcome you. Prisec let you protect the agenda and Mumbad Virtual Tour tax the runner, just before the Punitive.

Try to score Divested Trust. It will protect City Work Project, especially after the runner took that tag and damage. All that for nothing. And you make 5 creds!

Dedication is strickly for City Work Project. Audacity for the end game, to fast advance a Project Atlas from hand.

There is a lot of money in this deck. By the time you get to midgame, you should be richer than the runner. Keep that punitive handy. If they score a City Work Project, it should be pretty good.

The best part is that this deck actually work. Perhaps not has good as the HB version, but it is successful. Shapers fare the worst here, since runner with Shaper tend to want ot build their rig. Which is not the thing to do. Again, Apoc does not cost you much, since you'll have 3-4 remotes at best.
